
Review Detail of Atkinsopn in Naruto: Corrupting my Naruto



Don’t waste time everything about the mc is erased halfway through the story im not tagging this spoiler since this is a deal breaker for the main audience of people poking their heads in to look at a REINCARNATED CHARACTER USING FUTURE KNOWLEDGE. Massive plot hole incoming too they ripped all the memories and spiritual energy out of the mc, I didn’t waste time reading further but if the mc isn’t anything but living and having the conversations of middle school handicapped child the writer really lost their marbles.

Naruto: Corrupting my Naruto






Author-san ,you should just delete reviews like this who spread misinformation about the story, don't know how to use spoiler tag, and just give low rating for the sake of it.


I would like you to not spread false information. What you are saying, and what happened in the story are completely different. And no, the MC doesn't lose her future knowledge.


Read chp 88 again and say I’m lying


I think you don't know how to read

Atkinsopn:Read chp 88 again and say I’m lying

The MC doesn't lose her memories in the end of chapter. And if you just skip over the last lines of the chapter itself and the chapters after that, I can't do anything about it. Either you look over the chapter again, read what happens, edit the review or I will delete this review. I have not deleted a single review yet, but this is just misinformation. You can even just give 1 star with no reason, or call it trash or whatever. But I won't let a review that spreads misinformation in plain sight.

Atkinsopn:Read chp 88 again and say I’m lying

Some one invades your soul ripping all your memories stealing everything you know, you know nothing about fighting as a soul they do. You fight back and are having a terrible time fighting this single soul entity off, it splits into a thousand copy’s all whom are still stealing your soul energy and hundreds escape all with your soul energy and memories. You should read the chapter with cold logic, you created an overpowered enemy out of nowhere did your main character get to strong and you ran out of ideas?


If you’re so adamant that the mc who has more spiritual power than the nine tales didn’t lose in this clash you should be obligated to write Izumi constantly sneak attacking the mc and soul and mind raping her like an all you can eat buffet. You opened the floodgates with how hard she lost in the conflict