
Review Detail of Aquacious in Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability



He’s done it again. Read the other reviews cuz they explain it well. This review is for the translator. My guy, the words you are using might be big, but they ain’t grammatically correct most of the time. I’m not sure which level of education you finished at, but that doesn’t mean the story needs to be forced into your ‘pristine’ language. Yes I can understand ‘…inquired with a calm resolve…’ but would it not be easier for everyone if you just wrote ‘… asked calmly…’? Less for you to write, easier for us to understand. Like, even famous novels from older authors don’t do this. To Kill a Mockingbird is simple to read, same with The Great Gatsby or The Stormlight Archive. So why do you feel the need to make it more difficult for us readers to read? And is this not harder on yourself? Might as well just go read Shakespeare at this point.

Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Cuttlefish That Loves Diving





I have confirmation that this prose-like language gets better after Padre, but please, retranslate this section after the novel is done.