
Review Detail of DJ87 in Reincarnation Of The Strongest Spirit Master



The book started really good at first. The ideas were interesting and engaging at first. However, as the story progresses, I feel the author is becoming too long winded in explaining simple things that won't really matter in the long run. Author also likes to overexplain learning of skills that won't really be useful or meaningful in the future as well. Sadly I have to drop this story after 72 chapters.

Reincarnation Of The Strongest Spirit Master






so your point is that I should delete many explanation parts? Won't that break the immersion or readers into the world of the story?


Of course not. Reader's immersion to the story is important. However, it should be more interesting. Since your MC is not a clueless newbie but someone who was reincarnated, use it to your advantage. Slip a bit of flashback or side story to how he gained the knowledge/skill, or his experience mastering skill under his master's tutelage. Add a bit of humor or jokes to make the lengthy explanation easy on the eye. For example, when the two elders were trying to break the array, slip some humor about how the array almost burned his beard, or instead of merely stating the darkness is hard to combine with any elements, try putting some experience of how he almost died by combining it with other elements before. Then again, it's just my own personal view. I hope you won't be offended by my comments. I know it's not easy to write a good story. It's just my own personal preference in a story. Other readers might like your way of writing. Keep up the good work and you'll definitely get there. Apologies if my comments offended you


No borrar, sino resumir más la explicación de poderes, ya muchos de aquí estamos acostumbrados a adaptarnos a cortas explicaciones en poderes por eso podemos hacer muchas suposiciones, es mucho mejor que gastar 5 capitulos en explicar esas habilidades. Lo segundo porfavor deja de poner a cada 2 o 3 capitulos personajes random que molestan al mc, eso solo entorpece la historia y hacer parecer al mc tonto

ranmaro:so your point is that I should delete many explanation parts? Won't that break the immersion or readers into the world of the story?

Hi hi! First of all, I wasn't and am not offended by such opinion. In fact, I'm appreciating it, highly valuing such readers like you, who place their opinions with good explanations that truly helps me to evolve as a writer. I don't stick to my writing style, for 15 years I'm trying my best to learn and hone my writing skills. I know I'm not the best writer in the world, and that's why I'm very open to any good comments that can help me truly evolve and learn new stuff that I lack. I don't know why I never had a notification about your reply, but glad I came by it even if it was 7 months late :D You got good points indeed, but I'm not a humour writer. Yet when I read it the way you suggested above, it truly works better. So I'll take your opinions and suggestions into consideration when editing the novel again. Even if it'll take few months to happen, but it will happen. Thanks for such good comment again, I learnt something from you, even if it's 7 months later. Have a nice day and thanks for sharing your valuable opinion with me. Hopefully one day we'll meet on one of my novels, where you'll like the new writing style of mine.

DJ87:Of course not. Reader's immersion to the story is important. However, it should be more interesting. Since your MC is not a clueless newbie but someone who was reincarnated, use it to your advantage. Slip a bit of flashback or side story to how he gained the knowledge/skill, or his experience mastering skill under his master's tutelage. Add a bit of humor or jokes to make the lengthy explanation easy on the eye. For example, when the two elders were trying to break the array, slip some humor about how the array almost burned his beard, or instead of merely stating the darkness is hard to combine with any elements, try putting some experience of how he almost died by combining it with other elements before. Then again, it's just my own personal view. I hope you won't be offended by my comments. I know it's not easy to write a good story. It's just my own personal preference in a story. Other readers might like your way of writing. Keep up the good work and you'll definitely get there. Apologies if my comments offended you

I translated the reply at google, so I hope I get what you said right. For the first part, the summing things up will make it more concrete, but it will also turn it into short story version instead of a novel, not truly my style of writing. However I'll try to find a middle ground, one that I'll shorten the descriptions a bit, make it for 2 chapters instead of 5. I write using a certain way of 5 chapter block technique, it's like every 5 chapters will have a certain small arc of events special to them, with exception of epic battles or events that can span over more than that. But as you-readers- can deduct things, I can try to sum few things here and there. As for the second part, it's just done at the beginning chapters of the novel-first 150 to be exact- then things will develop nicer with much fewer new character popping here and there like the beginning.

HideOnDao:No borrar, sino resumir más la explicación de poderes, ya muchos de aquí estamos acostumbrados a adaptarnos a cortas explicaciones en poderes por eso podemos hacer muchas suposiciones, es mucho mejor que gastar 5 capitulos en explicar esas habilidades. Lo segundo porfavor deja de poner a cada 2 o 3 capitulos personajes random que molestan al mc, eso solo entorpece la historia y hacer parecer al mc tonto