
Review Detail of rom_nce_life in Mystery of the gone



Hey! The story so far seems good, the idea to choose songs seems pretty good as not many do that but that part gives a great feeling like a music video. Pretty sure your hypothetic music video would have been better as you have had the idea of the further story. Waiting for more updates and would love it if you could upload daily rather than an alternate day. I read your Author's note in chapter 2. Even though I came pretty late and didn't see that review, I would say that you don't have to get discouraged because of that. You write well but as the previous reviewer has said a few polishing would be appreciated as this particular writing style seems quite unexperienced but then this seems to be your first book. Anyways like the part where you did not add like other few new writers for asking for a leeway and are taking everything heads on. Looking forward to your work and hope that you would not give up writing because of one bad review as some more might come in the future as everyone's choices is different.

Mystery of the gone






Thank you so much for such a detailed review. I will definitely work hard and better and try to update as frequently as I can. And yes about the music thing, I love that as I feel it may help bring more emotions more properly as while reading we can only use two sense and that is to use eyes to read and brain to imagine, but while also using sound it helps increase use of one more sense and that is ears and hence I believe it may leave more long lasting impression.