
Review Detail of Cloud_Bae_4800 in My Billionaire Hero



I'm out of words. Mesmerizing: maybe that's the word to describe this novel. It isn't amazing but beyond that. I'm reading a novel which makes me feel like I'm watching a K-drama. I mean, it's so nice having that experience. The writer is good and I wish that this novel will later be adapted into a movie or comic just so that people who don't like reading without imagery motion will get a sense of the artistic imaginations of the author. The story is just superb. Wonderful KayLee, keep it up and hope we can have a fan meeting one day.

My Billionaire Hero






And I am also out of words. Hope we meet one day as you wish for. But you know what, the best way to know a writer is through his writing. So I think that if you gain insight into my novel, then you will know me very well. Thanks so much for the beautifully written review. I appreciate it a lot.


I'm on the same page as you. This novel is incredible and totally unpredictable. I thought it would be a cool romance story with a happy ever after but I now getting why one of the tags is forbidden love. Though Amy and Jin Ho love each other, something is always getting in their way and Amy's life keeps on nearing death an so does Jin Ho. But when the two are not together, everything is fine. This is makes it seem as if the main characters are not meant for each other. That is what I call an excellent romance plot.