
Review Detail of tactless91 in Teen Wolf: Isaac the Mage.



I like this idea as issac was one of my favorite characters in teen wolf. for the romance pairing maybe let issac be the third partner with Erica and Boyd so to make a poly relationship as you don’t see many of those pairings just a thought

Teen Wolf: Isaac the Mage.






you want polyamory and 2 boys and 1 girl in the relationship?


You must be daft, neither Boyd nor Isaac are gay?


Sigh you know I ment them to be bi not gay plus this is a fanfic not the real show he’s already changed the story so he could change more… and I don’t particularly care for the daft comment it’s very rude Though I’ve seen worse on here please try to be respectful and not call people things

FinnsRevenge:You must be daft, neither Boyd nor Isaac are gay?

bi is just gay+

tactless91:Sigh you know I ment them to be bi not gay plus this is a fanfic not the real show he’s already changed the story so he could change more… and I don’t particularly care for the daft comment it’s very rude Though I’ve seen worse on here please try to be respectful and not call people things

Well we are entitled to our own opinion

FinnsRevenge:bi is just gay+

Yes but please try and respect the character's original orientation, changing it is rude to the original writer, the actors and the source material.

tactless91:Well we are entitled to our own opinion

I understand but remember this is a fanfic and now the original writer is this author not the creator of teen wolf so it is ultimately up to him. As I stated in my review the bi comment was just a thought and will be up to the author of this FANFIC. I don’t get why everyone is being so uptight about lgbtq. Just because people don’t like it doesn’t mean it’s not a growing concept around the world.

FinnsRevenge:Yes but please try and respect the character's original orientation, changing it is rude to the original writer, the actors and the source material.

People being uptight about LGB is probably because other people keep trying to change established orientations just to feel included? There are already gay characters in teen wolf, no need to try and turn it into some pride parade by making everyone gay yknow? don't be so daft

tactless91:I understand but remember this is a fanfic and now the original writer is this author not the creator of teen wolf so it is ultimately up to him. As I stated in my review the bi comment was just a thought and will be up to the author of this FANFIC. I don’t get why everyone is being so uptight about lgbtq. Just because people don’t like it doesn’t mean it’s not a growing concept around the world.

I’m really saddened by your insercurity that you need to result to name calls again we don’t even need to debate this you are entitled to your opinion like I said earlier but so am I. And I’ve been nothing but respectful in my words but to you who keep throwing insults. I forgive you as apparently you have no other comeback than to insult others when I’m here trying to have a grown up and polite conversation. This will be my last reply twords you who can only insult people

FinnsRevenge:People being uptight about LGB is probably because other people keep trying to change established orientations just to feel included? There are already gay characters in teen wolf, no need to try and turn it into some pride parade by making everyone gay yknow? don't be so daft

quite the daft naffer

tactless91:I’m really saddened by your insercurity that you need to result to name calls again we don’t even need to debate this you are entitled to your opinion like I said earlier but so am I. And I’ve been nothing but respectful in my words but to you who keep throwing insults. I forgive you as apparently you have no other comeback than to insult others when I’m here trying to have a grown up and polite conversation. This will be my last reply twords you who can only insult people