
Review Detail of Krypton71 in COTE: A boy with a system



As of Ch 36. No pairing, author is developing several different options but he’s confirmed it’s not a harem regrettably. Anyways onto the review: Pretty good writing quality. I don’t know how to describe it but it’s a bit whacky at times. 4 stars Is this a rewrite or something because 26ch/week is crazy lol. 5 stars Story development been great so far. No insta system OPness BS going on here but he does get suitably stronger. Schemes and such are thoguht out and decent. Nothing much to say, just enjoy the story. 4.5 stars The MC is quirky as fk. It’s not my go-to. I Don’t know I have never really enjoyed psychos like that but he’s… interesting at least. Not a deal breaker for me. The author has given him some hidden layers as displayed at the end of V1. 3.5 stars World background: I’m glad he’s interacting with the second years from day 1. The authors done his reading etc. 5 stars Valid COTE Fanfic.

COTE: A boy with a system



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