
Review Detail of Enigma21 in Chronicles of Carthol: Becoming Lordess



Very long chapters, perhaps too excessive? At the moment, writing quality and grammar are fully fledged out but some sentences can be too long or hard to read as you try to fit too much descriptive language. The story is hooking enough for me to read the novel but not enough for me to read 5k words. This is your writing style and I'm not complaining, maybe I'm not used to long chapters. I hope you don't take my review too harshly as I am just letting out what I feel. I'm excited to see more of the Chronicles of Carthol.

Chronicles of Carthol: Becoming Lordess


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Thank you. Initially I had intended this to be a traditionally published novel, however that's a lengthy process that can be rather expensive when it comes to editing and pre-reviewing to stamp out all the smaller grammatical, logical and story telling errors. Instead I opted to publish it for free digitally before self publishing later to get a feel for reader reception and how they like/receive the book and story. Speaking with some people on the WN discord, I didn't know about the culture of WN preferring shorter chapters as well as a general desire for quantity over quality. Regardless, during the sequels, I'll split the chapters up to make it more digestible and fall into the more preferred range of 1K to 3.5K word count. Until then, I'll leave Becoming Lordess as is. Thanks for the review and I hope my writing continues to intrigue and interest you in reading for the foreseeable future.