
Review Detail of Bob_Uchiha_XD in Apocalypse: I Chose Apocalypse After My Sister Was Murdered



We have a Chinese with a Chinese name that is difficult to remember and pronounce. He and his sister destroy a part of a wall; the wall is what prevents the spread of the virus to the whole world; when destroying and trying to get out through that gap, they are stopped by soldiers who order the protagonist to retur, the protagonist refuses to follow the order and uses his sister as a meat shield. The protagonist returns to the starting point with the corpse of his sister, blaming evil capitalism.

Apocalypse: I Chose Apocalypse After My Sister Was Murdered

Apocalypse Ruler





So you would willing dedicate your life to humanity by staying with an endless horde of undead? "We have a Chinese with a Chinese name that is difficult to remember and pronounce." Do you not know what site you are on. THIS WEBSITE IS PRIMARLY CHINESE TRANSLATION! IT IS OWNED BY A CHINESE COMPANY!


I like the way of mc thinking....


I rather sacrafice you than my sister, sorry


Not sacrificing yourself/family for another person? Completely understandable. For a town? Definitely not good, but I can comprehend it. Saying my family and I are worth more than the REST OF HUMANITY COMBINED? Sorry, I say shoot me in the head rather than wiping out the entire species.

Lovelynovels:I rather sacrafice you than my sister, sorry

ok, have fun being dead......you realise with time ppl always screw up anyway so why should my family suffer...

Lucred:Not sacrificing yourself/family for another person? Completely understandable. For a town? Definitely not good, but I can comprehend it. Saying my family and I are worth more than the REST OF HUMANITY COMBINED? Sorry, I say shoot me in the head rather than wiping out the entire species.

I'd like to argue that it's actually a very human reaction. Logically it really doesn't make sense but emotionally, after witnessing something like the murder of his sister the trigger, you can't think soley about numbers. We've already seen plenty of evil in modern time, like mass killings, and I'd argue that they don't have any justification, while his justification we can at least somewhat understand. Rather than treating him as a human main character, it is shown that he is no longer that, so treating him with the same moral standards doesn't make sense. It is just a rant powered by lack of sleep but another point is from his point of view it's the entirety of humanity that killed his sister it wasn't a single soldier no it was everyone there hundreds all wanting him and his sister dead, you can't exactly expect someone to sympathize with the people outside the walls at that point.

Lucred:Not sacrificing yourself/family for another person? Completely understandable. For a town? Definitely not good, but I can comprehend it. Saying my family and I are worth more than the REST OF HUMANITY COMBINED? Sorry, I say shoot me in the head rather than wiping out the entire species.

logically they could have bombed the entire city after building walls to kill all


so its been years and they have found no cure might be cheaper for them in the long run than having military stationed all around the wall and who knows if it does not happen anywhere else


who do you pick the world or your family???

Lucred:Not sacrificing yourself/family for another person? Completely understandable. For a town? Definitely not good, but I can comprehend it. Saying my family and I are worth more than the REST OF HUMANITY COMBINED? Sorry, I say shoot me in the head rather than wiping out the entire species.

When the choice is my family or the world AND my family? He ain't leaving the world, so they are both going to die with everyone else now that the wall is down.

Hades_Jades:who do you pick the world or your family???


Lucred:When the choice is my family or the world AND my family? He ain't leaving the world, so they are both going to die with everyone else now that the wall is down.