
Review Detail of in Harry Potter: A thread of Fate



This fic is very intriguing and interesting. I hope the author doesn't make this a harem, there are very very few fics with Fleur as the sole love interest, I absolutely love the development between Mc and Fleur, the way they both are described, the way they both have problems and try to help each other overcome them and the way they interact with each other is totally worth the read. The only issue I have is with Hermione's bossy attitude and her ignorance towards mc's personal space, otherwise if we ignore the Hermione problem, this fanfic is a must read.

Harry Potter: A thread of Fate






If I remember right, there is a good HP fanfiction named Voleur Dame. In which MC transmigrates into Ron during the HP goblet of fire. The love interest is Fleur for that one. It is also completed, so that is a bonus.


true and of the few that there are none is finished


I have some recommendation if you want, though most of it is HarryxFleur: all of this are in FFN -Journey of a Hero by Crowborne(Harry SI x Fleur, non-OP) -Hope and Healing by Liberty1Prime(HarryxFleur) -A flower for the soul by theBlack'sResurgence (HarryxFleur)(My personal favourite) -When worlds collide by BQ Green(OC x Fleur) -Voleur D'ame by Twubs (Ron SI x Fleur) -The Gift by Kagemaru Raiden (OC x Fleur, not finished) -Heart and Soul by Sillimaure (Harry x Fleur x Hermione)(The intro's really good, but it's really descriptive) -A Champion by Takao1160 (Harry x Fleur x Daphne x Hermione) -Champions by Thor's Shadow (Harry x Fleur) -Where The Wild Roses Go by Linkin-Phoenix (Harry x Fleur x Hermione) -A Cadmean Victory by DarknessEnthroned (Harry x Fleur)(Depressing af) -The Bigger Picture by cloud9stories (OC x Fleur) (Depressing af)


any Harry x Bellatrix or male oc x Bellatrix recommendation crossover also appreciated

mark_kiple:I have some recommendation if you want, though most of it is HarryxFleur: all of this are in FFN -Journey of a Hero by Crowborne(Harry SI x Fleur, non-OP) -Hope and Healing by Liberty1Prime(HarryxFleur) -A flower for the soul by theBlack'sResurgence (HarryxFleur)(My personal favourite) -When worlds collide by BQ Green(OC x Fleur) -Voleur D'ame by Twubs (Ron SI x Fleur) -The Gift by Kagemaru Raiden (OC x Fleur, not finished) -Heart and Soul by Sillimaure (Harry x Fleur x Hermione)(The intro's really good, but it's really descriptive) -A Champion by Takao1160 (Harry x Fleur x Daphne x Hermione) -Champions by Thor's Shadow (Harry x Fleur) -Where The Wild Roses Go by Linkin-Phoenix (Harry x Fleur x Hermione) -A Cadmean Victory by DarknessEnthroned (Harry x Fleur)(Depressing af) -The Bigger Picture by cloud9stories (OC x Fleur) (Depressing af)