
Review Detail of Acorn_Gaming in Fate's Grasp



Well, here i am. You wanted a review so i gave it. Overall score: 4/5. The story is good so far, the grammar and syntax have little to no errors, the characters.. ill talk about further down, and the general idea is a solid one. While its good, it has room to grow and its still a fledgling novel. World building (also genre/topic because i want to): 4/5. I love a good betrayal story, couple that with whats shaping up to be an isekai and you have a story I'll thoroughly enjoy. So long as it isn't written like a 3rd grader, which its not! So you win. Good style, they mesh well, it has lots of story options available to the writer. The world building is good, it’s interesting and is backed by a solid story concept. Some vague details need cleared up but since the novels only 6 chapters in I’m not too worried. The only concern I would have for world building is if it keeps switch location every chapter, there will eventually need to be a more permanent location that the plot can utilize, unless the plot is about nomads. Which its not. I think. Story score: 3/5. Now before i talk about the story itself let me preface, at the time of writing this there are a total of 6 chapters released. I do not like judging the story off such a small amount of chapters, however, i was asked to write a review, however indirectly it may have been... The story is fine, but lackluster, 6 chapters in we have reached what seems to be the end of the initial character expositions and the beginning of a first arc of the story, it's been done well up until now but without the presence of any consequential plot threads (save 1 or 2 regarding the MC's) My real issue with the story is the way terms are thrown into sentences with no real explanation. In one part we hear "Dark Vin" and "Light Vin". I assumed this is some form of power system for the world, but thats still only an assumption. Throwing in unexplained terms does work, like if the MC didn't know either, and then later both the reader and MC learned together, but just having them there and then not get touched on again feels awkward and breaks the flow of reading, as you pause and think "wait, what?" Grammar: 4/5. It's fine, I've seen one or two errors here or there. But it reads fine, the vocabulary of the author is fairly large so you aren't always getting the same exact words over and over. Easy 4. Characters: 4/5. The characters are easily my favorite part so far, assasins are like the literary version of my sweet tooth and the two main characters seem, well, like people. The dialogue is (mostly) natural, and doesn't sound robotic or forced, the thought processes of the characters aren't super simplified or awkward, but they complement the line of work the characters are in. My only issue with the characters so far, is introducing, naming and giving personalities to characters who immediately get ripped away from the reader. It feels shallow, like they were there solely because the plot called for it, and it was unnecessary to flesh them out at all. Of course, should these characters be seen later in the novel, that can be fixed. However, for now, I can't say I'm a fan of that. Let me finally touch on Aeryn and Lewis, our two MC's and frankly, the only characters i care about currently. Aeryn is the tough, tempered female assassin who had a monarch to kill and Lewis is the cool, and collected commander (hes still an assassin) employed by the emperor. During the novel it seems to hint that Aeryn and Lewis will meet, hopefully soon. Otherwise it may be a dreary start to a story with potential. I think the two MC's are good, somewhat the saving grace of the characters rating in general. While both are fairly sterotypical at the moment they have a lot of time to develop, what we've seen of them though makes them feel human, Lewis is tricked, and falls into a trap with his team, and Aeryn runs headfirst into a trap for her, and is overpowered. These characters show moments of weakness, which is essential for character development and the main reason I'm giving the characters category a 4th star. The character development is there, and I hope the author seizes their chance to develop these characters well.

Fate's Grasp






Hey Acorn! Wew, big review 0-o Thanks for the detail, it's greatly appreciated! Let's get to the response then, shall we? World-Building: Thanks for the compliment of a solid story, assures a few doubts of mine ^^; Vague detail. I think I know what you mean, I'll try to make things a bit more clear in future chapters, although some parts are left vague intentionally~ Although if you wanted some specific terms/details cleared up then I'd be happy to explain! Also no, they won't be nomads, lol. Story: Lackluster Hopefully, things will get more interesting for you further on. Sadly I do agree somewhat, but the future is looking quite exciting! As you pointed out, this first bit was more of an introduction, but I promise things will get epic~ Just wait til the Magic System~ As with the CPH, I have been going decently low risk for this, as I'm new to this regular-chapter-releases-and-people-are-actually-reading-my-stuff, and wanted to ease myself into it, but I'll be moving onto more complex, exciting, and thus higher impact, higher risk writing as I find my sweet spot! As for the terms: Apologies for the confusion on them ^^; They'll get explained as things progress But as for the example you gave, your assumption is correct; Renvin is Rithveer's Magic System. E.g. '[Dominant Heart]. A Renvin spell...' I'll try to not have too many new terms left unexplained or unanswered if they break the flow. I can see how they'd break the flow, but I can't do it too suddenly, or briefly as that would create more problems and- Ah, ranting at this point, apologies. Grammer: Thanks for the compliment, again! If you found any issues then please report them, either in the report channel in the discord or Private Message me! Characters: Just to start: Assassins are sick aren't they :o Glad to hear the dialogue sounds good! It was one of my main worries- I'll stay, or attempt to, stay away from introducing characters that're only there for minor plot purposes, but I will say that all the major characters* shown so far will be quite important... ;P As for Aeryn & Lewis: They'll meet, don't worry about that~ I'm aiming for main characters that aren't completely overpowered, but strong; ones that compliment each other's weaknesses with their own strengths; ones that don't do everything because 'Justice is the only system to judge in life'; ones that aren't a binary 1 or 0. Main characters that you can feel, ones you can relate to, while still being distant in their own stories; caught up with their own problems, some of them being ones unique to a fantasy world, leaving your imagination to try and relate to them, to appeal to 'How would I tackle this problem?', and other's being problems anyone could've faced. I see character development as vital to a good story and I want my characters to reflect that as much as I can. Thanks for reading my TedTalk, lol. Hopefully I cleared a few things up and thanks again for the epic review! ^^


wowz big reply to big review [img=recommend]

Dissociation:Hey Acorn! Wew, big review 0-o Thanks for the detail, it's greatly appreciated! Let's get to the response then, shall we? World-Building: Thanks for the compliment of a solid story, assures a few doubts of mine ^^; Vague detail. I think I know what you mean, I'll try to make things a bit more clear in future chapters, although some parts are left vague intentionally~ Although if you wanted some specific terms/details cleared up then I'd be happy to explain! Also no, they won't be nomads, lol. Story: Lackluster Hopefully, things will get more interesting for you further on. Sadly I do agree somewhat, but the future is looking quite exciting! As you pointed out, this first bit was more of an introduction, but I promise things will get epic~ Just wait til the Magic System~ As with the CPH, I have been going decently low risk for this, as I'm new to this regular-chapter-releases-and-people-are-actually-reading-my-stuff, and wanted to ease myself into it, but I'll be moving onto more complex, exciting, and thus higher impact, higher risk writing as I find my sweet spot! As for the terms: Apologies for the confusion on them ^^; They'll get explained as things progress But as for the example you gave, your assumption is correct; Renvin is Rithveer's Magic System. E.g. '[Dominant Heart]. A Renvin spell...' I'll try to not have too many new terms left unexplained or unanswered if they break the flow. I can see how they'd break the flow, but I can't do it too suddenly, or briefly as that would create more problems and- Ah, ranting at this point, apologies. Grammer: Thanks for the compliment, again! If you found any issues then please report them, either in the report channel in the discord or Private Message me! Characters: Just to start: Assassins are sick aren't they :o Glad to hear the dialogue sounds good! It was one of my main worries- I'll stay, or attempt to, stay away from introducing characters that're only there for minor plot purposes, but I will say that all the major characters* shown so far will be quite important... ;P As for Aeryn & Lewis: They'll meet, don't worry about that~ I'm aiming for main characters that aren't completely overpowered, but strong; ones that compliment each other's weaknesses with their own strengths; ones that don't do everything because 'Justice is the only system to judge in life'; ones that aren't a binary 1 or 0. Main characters that you can feel, ones you can relate to, while still being distant in their own stories; caught up with their own problems, some of them being ones unique to a fantasy world, leaving your imagination to try and relate to them, to appeal to 'How would I tackle this problem?', and other's being problems anyone could've faced. I see character development as vital to a good story and I want my characters to reflect that as much as I can. Thanks for reading my TedTalk, lol. Hopefully I cleared a few things up and thanks again for the epic review! ^^