
Review Detail of Yinghuo_392 in I Will Bring Peace你好!



Book Title I Will Bring Peace (Red Venerable) Rating: 5 Chapters 12/12 as of 5/28/22 Plot: Excellent The story’s plot is clear and concise a dude dies and is reincarnated in another world and gifted a system that has the potential to turn him into a deity. However, he starts out as an individual with freedom, no backing, money nor power and must survive on his own. Luckily said system has a personality that tries to assist in his endeavor, although it has A LOT of personality. As he grinds his levels the MC gains more skills and slowly starts to take control of his own life. Unfortunately, aside from the challenges and dangers of the world he is also a social status which complicates things. Story flow Excellent The story flow is clear and concise as only few events are happening at any period. The focus on the narrative is on the current event or quest if you will. Which allows the story points to make sense and have clear direction. However much of the backstory of both the system and the MC is kept in the dark, while I’m sure it will be added in at some point. Some parts of the story do not make sense due to the gap in knowledge. Favorite Chapter: Chapter 4: Assault Simply put this is where the Author shows his ability to weave a narrative together. Since the plot is straight forward, fights have weight and are directly related to the MC’s survival this focus raises the stakes, and allows the reader to feel the MC’s frustration, anger, and bloodlust. Currently he is low level, so fights are kind boring, however with more skills. I look forward to what the author has in store for the future. Favorite Character: Dorian Dorian is an interesting character; he shows resilience to despair as he dies without much fuss. However, upon reviving he becomes a complete battle junkie hedonist. Only doing what he wants to do and takes this at his own pace and no one else’s. I personally like MCs like this as it shows that he will only act if he wishes not because he needs to or if others require him to. 3 things I liked 1. Aggressive Behavior As mentioned upon reincarnating Dorian becomes completely focused on his leveling. And does not worry about where the experience comes from, monster cute animals or people. This makes sense as his main goal is survival and as they said beggars cant be choosers so it works to the stories advantage. 2. Comedy skits between Dorian and system Dorian and the system appear extremely close upon meeting. Unclear why but they treat each other like old friends, and mess with each other and do not stop trying to get one over the other. It serves as comic relief for otherwise a lack luster hunting chapters, as aside from their banter nothing else is happening. 3. Skill system The skill system is cool as the system Dorian gets it locked and already fully level. Upon him receiving it. He only needs to get stronger as time goes on. This gives the readers insight to what kind of powers Dorian would have in the future. Currently the system is locked and themed among the seven sins. It is interesting to see what he would have in the future, as of this review although he has unlocked 2 sins, it is now OP to the point that the journey has loss it’s meaning. Actual review Novel is a straightforward weak to strong story that has a blood knight for an MC, description and narrative for scenes is great. Pacing and plot points all make sense allowing the readers to follow exactly as the writer wishes. I personally like Dorians personality but the lack of information on some areas confuses the readers about Dorians’ character. Other than that, I had a wonderful read, and a lot of potential is present in the book. Well done Red_Venerable! Keep it up!

I Will Bring Peace你好!



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