
Review Detail of perser_112 in Transmigrated into Severus Snape with Golden Trio back in Time



It’s already starting to get boring that he always portrays himself as the extreme (victim), every time. And the images of forced relationships are already infuriating (MC has an emo complex or Sasuke that he is so autistic and everyone owes him “socks”). It seems that he has great ambitions to “reach the borders of magic” or something like that (I don’t remember), supposedly this is our long-term goal (but we understand that the true goal is to get under the skirt of as many natives as possible). And also, playing in the sand with Dumby and Voldy is already boring when you can play all over the playground (I mean, send them to Dumbledore and Voldemort’s bathhouse. Let them arrange their own “Dutch helm”, and you go to the “Maldives" or at least to Thailand to become a catgender). I mean that you can do anything (the main thing is the worldview of the magical world of Harry Potter and not the plot about “the boy who was given a banana”), you can even put a “green hat” on Dumbledore’s head by picking up Grindelwald (why get involved in the racist party (black- white wizards) "Dumbledore x Voldemort"). Show them a "galaxy far, far away" (go beyond the plot). [Google transmigrated]

Transmigrated into Severus Snape with Golden Trio back in Time






well, I agree with you, the hero trusts Dumbledore for some reason, although it never made sense + they give us women out of thin air, although there is a list of prescribed characters.