
Review Detail of Shuyuka in My System's AI Is a Weeb?



Overview I think that “My System's AI Is a Weeb?” is a difficult read. There is a lot that the writer has to work on and in the three currently released chapters it’s very apparent, but in the same vein it’s also apparent that this author really wants to improve since just from Chapter 1-3 things that would make any reader want to drop the book in an instant are quickly fixed and stop being a problem. Writing Style The dialogue can be very clunky at times and doesn’t always pair well with scenes being set and specific emotions that should be felt. I think that the author could benefit from developing their own voice as well as the voice of the specific narrator. Most of the time it’s best to stick to 1 POV per chapter to prevent confusion and to allow things to flow better. Sometimes wording or grammar can feel out of place but when it comes to self-published works it's hard to get an experienced editor to look over these things. All in all, I think there’s a lot to be worked on, but I think the author is already making steps in the right direction. For example, the Narrator for the 3rd Chapter, Trey is a very good example of good Author’s Voice for 1st person POV Plot/Story Concept In all honesty I think the story takes a while to set up the actual concept and dilemma, which in certain situations can be fine but for a system it's a bit harder to pull off since the intrigue and mystique comes from the system and how the MC will use it so it's best to set those things up earlier and elaborate on things like Silius and his relationship with his mother alongside other things at a later date. (Even if it is cute and wholesome and I love it) The World There isn't one to see quite yet, it has the concept of inequality being built up and seeing Silius experience it from his naive eyes is interesting since it will be from a child's perspective and not some kind of childish protag that's somehow 17-22 years old. Definitely has potential. Synopsis I think for a genre as oversaturated as the System Genre is I think that it doesn't stand out like it needs to. It has a very basic explanation and might even mislead you to think of a more basic premise for a system rather than the interesting angle of who Silius is as an MC and such. I think the questions at the end don't serve the purpose and only act as lip service. I think evaluating what you want the story to be about and basically centering the synopsis on that factor will be good and if the first chapters have to be rewritten to better reflect what the story is about. Overall, there was a lot I liked character wise but it's a lot of work that had to be done to get me there. Oddly enough I still liked the story for what I was given [Review Posted the release of chapter 3]

My System's AI Is a Weeb?






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Im gonna keep this review cus I want to :>