
Review Detail of I_AM_GAY_WASTAKEN in Humanity's Greatest Mecha Warrior System



This is one of the best, if not the best, webnovel I have ever read. Max is a genuinely likeable main character, and actually has a personality (unlike some novels I've read). The plot hasn't frozen at any point and the rules laid in earlier chapters haven't been broken. The mecha part of the novel is well explained and has a large degree of realism. The battles also keep your attention and aren't repeats of one thing over an over. Nico (The objectively best character) is also entertaining, with large quantities of mystery and funny moments, such as the smiley faces on the feet. The only two flaws I have are the amount of chapters (I need more, I read it all in a day), and the lack of extra information, as while we are given almost everything we need to understand Max and his motivation, we know little about the rest of the universe. Also what caused the nanobots? Am I just an idiot *slight spoilers* Also author, if you ever, *ever*, have Nico die, I will find you.

Humanity's Greatest Mecha Warrior System






Did I edit the Nanobots back story section out of the early chapters? They were spread by an industrial accident letting them loose on Kepler Terminus, and infected the entire planet, becoming a sentient AI as their numbers grew. Then were spread to the rest of the Kepler planets on purpose to spread the System.


got it, thanks for explaining

Aoki_Aku:Did I edit the Nanobots back story section out of the early chapters? They were spread by an industrial accident letting them loose on Kepler Terminus, and infected the entire planet, becoming a sentient AI as their numbers grew. Then were spread to the rest of the Kepler planets on purpose to spread the System.