
Review Detail of Drew_Paroz in Last Shelter Online



I was really liking the story until the love interest lost her memories and then the MC gets NTR'ed since she does not remember him. This is not necessary for the rest of the story, there were already enough mysteries to unravel on top of the game content, but the author had to add in this terrible trope

Last Shelter Online






Thank you for your honest review. But I think you might be misunderstand. The scene that you mentioned is important. It has a connection with the other mysteries. So it just like another dot leading to the main one. I hope that you will continue reading my story so that you will know how important it is. Anyway thank you again, I really appreciate it. [img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]


It is your story, so I understand you can take it in whatever direction you want, but I feel like she could have just lost her memories [though I still hate the love interest losing memories trope]. In my opinion, having the MC get NTR'ed only adds unnecessary drama to the plot. If you wanted to show the alienation between ML and FL you could have just had FL dismiss the ML like a stranger when he approached her as you did when she first lost her memories. Adding in some other dude just to aggravate the MC would only be important to the story if the man was in some way responsible for the memory loss to claim her as a trophy or something which is disgusting enough to drop the book anyway. Overall, you are writing a good story with strong, reasonable characterization of the MC [as well as other characters, like the Aunt] who have real emotions and depth which is one of the best on the site that I have read. NTR, especially through a plot device like memory loss or family member threats, is my pet peeve and this is not the only novel I have dropped for this reason. Thank you for making the effort to create and put a good story out there and good luck

Sabet_Saga:Thank you for your honest review. But I think you might be misunderstand. The scene that you mentioned is important. It has a connection with the other mysteries. So it just like another dot leading to the main one. I hope that you will continue reading my story so that you will know how important it is. Anyway thank you again, I really appreciate it. [img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]

Hi Drew, thank you very much for the detail that you add. I took time to understand what you write here because I am not a native english 😭 hahaha so pardon me if I have mistake when I try to understand it🥲. I am a bit confused when you said that I added another dude in the middle of FL and ML. But actually that dude will not be ML’s rival to get his love interest back 🥲. When you read the conversation she made during her sudden lose memory, you will find this ”are you a friend of my brother?” In fact, I wrote it like this new dude was a rival to MC at the first time of his debut in the chapter. But actually I have explained who he was in the next next chapter. maybe my idea just not good enough at this chapter. Anyway thank you for your brief explanation. It means alot.[img=recommend]

Drew_Paroz:It is your story, so I understand you can take it in whatever direction you want, but I feel like she could have just lost her memories [though I still hate the love interest losing memories trope]. In my opinion, having the MC get NTR'ed only adds unnecessary drama to the plot. If you wanted to show the alienation between ML and FL you could have just had FL dismiss the ML like a stranger when he approached her as you did when she first lost her memories. Adding in some other dude just to aggravate the MC would only be important to the story if the man was in some way responsible for the memory loss to claim her as a trophy or something which is disgusting enough to drop the book anyway. Overall, you are writing a good story with strong, reasonable characterization of the MC [as well as other characters, like the Aunt] who have real emotions and depth which is one of the best on the site that I have read. NTR, especially through a plot device like memory loss or family member threats, is my pet peeve and this is not the only novel I have dropped for this reason. Thank you for making the effort to create and put a good story out there and good luck



That was my impression of what happened, so I dropped the story, but in comments to my review the author implied this mysteries other guy post memory loss was actually her brother and not an NTR. Read at your own risk


May I ask what kind of memory loss that is? The story sounds nice but I don't like people getting their mind played with...it just triggers me...so I would like to know if that is the case before I get invested into the story...

Sabet_Saga:Hi Drew, thank you very much for the detail that you add. I took time to understand what you write here because I am not a native english 😭 hahaha so pardon me if I have mistake when I try to understand it🥲. I am a bit confused when you said that I added another dude in the middle of FL and ML. But actually that dude will not be ML’s rival to get his love interest back 🥲. When you read the conversation she made during her sudden lose memory, you will find this ”are you a friend of my brother?” In fact, I wrote it like this new dude was a rival to MC at the first time of his debut in the chapter. But actually I have explained who he was in the next next chapter. maybe my idea just not good enough at this chapter. Anyway thank you for your brief explanation. It means alot.[img=recommend]

you will see the answer later around 120 chapters. You don’t need to worry about this memory loss.

Sindura:May I ask what kind of memory loss that is? The story sounds nice but I don't like people getting their mind played with...it just triggers me...so I would like to know if that is the case before I get invested into the story...

still kind of dodging the question, is it NTR or not. Simple question? im not reason 120 chapters to find out.

Sabet_Saga: you will see the answer later around 120 chapters. You don’t need to worry about this memory loss.

Of course not sir.

BookWorm69:still kind of dodging the question, is it NTR or not. Simple question? im not reason 120 chapters to find out.