
Review Detail of Fahrenx in Sword God in a World of Magic



if you enjoy bdsm or choking, you might like this because it will never have a "feels good" moment where you actually root for the MC to succeed if you dont.... the MC is far too unstable and selfconcious of what other people think... this novel should be called "isekai without confidence" because without it, he kills the young and dumb then proceeds to have a 30 chapter monologue on mortality or an obvious mental breakdown over and over and over..... how are people telling me this is character growth??? same mental handicap over and over. Atleast Supreme Magus had the counterbalance to avoid constant depression...this has nothing so it has to take copium 3 times a day... it's also quite sad on the imagination that the "sword god" only weilds a large nail as a weapon for the majority of what I read...you can do better...

Sword God in a World of Magic


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