
Review Detail of PraiseOkita in Sword God in a World of Magic



A good story for those wanting to deviate from the normal goody two shoes MC, a world where blood is needed to be shed to move forward, a world where the weak have no place and where our MC is trying to escape to become the strongest being be it beast, mage, or god. The writing quality is very good with almost no notable mistakes, the story is slow at the start yes but the main reason for that is to build a solid foundation for the MC's power, no plot armor nor cheats(though he has some) but not that overpowered to make him a gary stu. The character designs are simple yet effective and the world background is being revealed in the recent chapters (400+) to be something unexplored and unknown and possibly dangerous, but where the MC lives the zones and habitats are explained with great detail and the Zone Beast are huge factor in differentiating one another, same with the ecosystems, from deserts to snow to swamps. Too much text right, in short for those who scrolled down, a good read with a morally grey MC, great worldbuilding and fights. Inb4 the shang cycle

Sword God in a World of Magic


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Gray morality? This guy changes to a murderous sociopath more often than not for the most shitty reasons. Like he change his beliefs hella fast

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