
Review Detail of CodeZeroZero in The Weakest Extra



This review is going to be objective of each part of the novel, though there may be a little personal bias as I enjoy this story quite a bit. Writing Quality : Very good. No problems at all with grammar, although there may be one or two every couple of chapters. Update Stability: Great. I mean just this week there were close to 40 chapters updated. That pretty much speaks to the dedication of the author and the overall update stability. Story development: Also amazing. The MC, starts of as someone with a slightly weak mentality(Not pathetic like a lot of authors like to make their MCs). He goes through many changes until the most recent changes where he can think calmly in most situations and back it up with a certain amount of power. Miren also has a lot of room for growth in terms of his character, which I look forward too. There’s is also Romance in this story which, and the amount that it is included is just right for me( personal bias). The character development for the side characters is also showcased on many occasions. I could continue writing but I’ll leave it at that. Character design: I think that Miren was designed in a way to make him go from mentally and phsyically weak to strong in both aspects. His personality turns a bit cynical at the part that I am at, but I also enjoy that. The side characters, like James, Sarah, Brad, etc are also designed quite well. His partner in romance , Misa, has a good design too. World Background: It is initially mentioned in the story that the world is a game that Miren played as his past self. Specifically aspects such as rank ratings for physical and magical elements are there. This system is much better than most novels in my opinion. Other characteristics of the novel include monsters, an academy setting( for now), and the laws that differentiate from those that are present. Overall:My rating speaks for itself. Note: My thumbs are tired😂 and thank you for this amazing novel Antenz😄

The Weakest Extra






It is 1am while writing this so plz pardon the grammar mistakes.


Also this novel is very underrated as mentioned in another review 
 so there’s that