
Review Detail of godofsystems in Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel



I love this story. Honestly one of the best marvel stories on this site, and probably all of marvel fanfics. It's even got me rethinking how I should plan and write my own stories. Anyways, lets get into it: Writing Quality: 3/5 -It's understandable, but not correct. quite a few times while reading it would switch for example he/she and himself/herself with the wrong person, combine words or simply typos. You can still read it and correct the grammar like a filter in your head, but that might simply be me. Stability of Updates: 3/5 -the author doesn't post as often as someone would like. you can check Table of contents to see yourself. In 62 chapters, its been an entire year and likely some months. However, while it is only 62 chapters the amount of words per chapter simply is crazy. Each chapter I believe self nearly maximizes the word count. EACH CHAPTER. so it is still a long story. And besides, this is a fanfic. One can update whenever they like to. Story Development: 5/5 -The story flows in my biased eyes, but also objectively, extremely good. Like, smooth butter good. It is of course goes linear, however the author is willingly and has skipped certain chunks of things, with no problems. How the MC power and influence develops and all the reaction's is worth it. And one thing this author can really do? Payoff. No spoilers or anything, but one of the things that since the start of the story was only now solved. No, it wasn't delayed or denied for stupid reasons, It was in the background, happening and moving but not the main focus. By chapter 62, it has ended, and what a payoff in the story. Btw, there is no nerfs or illogical things that really happen in the story. Everything has a sound, thoughtful thinking and action within it. Also, Author never nerfed and likely will never nerf the MC, as well as great power progression. Character Design: 5/5 -Every, single character feels fleshed out. They are not one dimensional at all. Even Bad guys, or minor side characters. The author does this by not only letting us observe through the MC, their actions and how they aren't retarded at all. Also, the use of different POV's is a stable in this. By switching it we see different perspectives, and none to me, especially the main cast so to say, are one dimenstional. Hell, the relationships feel genuine too. In a fanfic, on webnovel, the relationships feel Human. it's crazy. Word Background: 5/5 -Obviously, fanfics have a huge headstart with an already established Background, but as the author here does, he adds his own twists into it. the background here is a mix between comics and MCU. And that is so simply yet so ingenious. The MCU plotline for the major events, but with comics mix between, so for example: The alien invasion on new york not only happens earlier but with more heroes [not including the mc] and villains. [And here again there was a setup and payoff of the invasion.] In short, I would recommend to anyone to read this fanfics, so long as grammar and spelling isn't a big deal and you can get through it, you should read this. Although let me say this: -If you come to read pure wish fulfillment this one is not it - come here purely for that harem and smut, nah bro, this is not the one for you. -if you can't accept if the MC[Author] does something that really makes common sense to do in that scenario and that the MC is mature and isn't like a Cultivation MC who slaps all who insult him, not for you. Other than that, Enjoy this one!

Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel



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