
Review Detail of ZombieSirGatoREAD in Starting my new life in another world as a zombie?



If you want to read “info dump the fanfic” I recommend giving this ff a try. in the begining the info dumping is kept to a paragraph or two, but when it gets to chapter 16 (i couldn’t force myself to read more info dumping) i say that the ratio of info dumping to story progression is around a 8:2 split out of ten. I also feel like he rushed out of the first world waaaay to fast, and the only real reason he started in that world was to meet shizuka. . .

Starting my new life in another world as a zombie?






For those who are curious about the info dump chapter, is the chapter "14 Campione and MEoDP" the much-acclaimed info dump was purely about extra content, the word count had already been reached, the chapter was shortened, and now it is possible to see how much of the content was extra, all the information in the book is usually necessary for the progression of the story, I write them because before I had read many books and fanfictions that made references that I had no idea of ​​the origin requiring me to 1- make a search out or 2-be completely lost. Thanks for the comment you helped make this a better story, let this be proof that as long as you can give a reasonable reason for a low rating your review will not be censored.


wow... that's... not an everyday sight might I say. I think that just this comment of yours author elevated you in my eyes greatly. You - 1 - addmited a mistake. 2 - took it well and instead like some authors, who start bitvhing about it, thanked the man for pointing out the mistake. 3 - explained yourself greatly. 4 - took it to heart. Man, this makes me that much more atracted to your story.

Victor_Moura_:For those who are curious about the info dump chapter, is the chapter "14 Campione and MEoDP" the much-acclaimed info dump was purely about extra content, the word count had already been reached, the chapter was shortened, and now it is possible to see how much of the content was extra, all the information in the book is usually necessary for the progression of the story, I write them because before I had read many books and fanfictions that made references that I had no idea of ​​the origin requiring me to 1- make a search out or 2-be completely lost. Thanks for the comment you helped make this a better story, let this be proof that as long as you can give a reasonable reason for a low rating your review will not be censored.

Hmmm. . .Well I’ll try the story again then

Victor_Moura_:For those who are curious about the info dump chapter, is the chapter "14 Campione and MEoDP" the much-acclaimed info dump was purely about extra content, the word count had already been reached, the chapter was shortened, and now it is possible to see how much of the content was extra, all the information in the book is usually necessary for the progression of the story, I write them because before I had read many books and fanfictions that made references that I had no idea of ​​the origin requiring me to 1- make a search out or 2-be completely lost. Thanks for the comment you helped make this a better story, let this be proof that as long as you can give a reasonable reason for a low rating your review will not be censored.