
Review Detail of HaracasAye in Cerberus Blackborn



Kinda dissapointed with the setting. It initially kinda gave me harry potter vibes but the mc was teleported to another planet that had the generic fantasy world setting to study at an academy. His personality is cold and calculating but of course he has a soft spot for his sister who acts like the usual teenage girl which inevitably has him interacting with ppl he doest want to. Love a character thats held back because of his feelings. Pretty much all the people that arent elderly have top model level looks, I mean the students ages start at 12, why do the girls have hourglass figures, mature breasts and such? The boys love staring at mcs sister, who is a top top level beauty even though shes 12 yes 12, with lecherous looks. I know they arent even teens yet, why are u sexualising them so much? Starting from chapter 21 its just a huge exposition dump, unbelievable. Mc is op op and as a result im sure his companions also will be even though they have no right to. His sister is already exhibiting this trope. Writing is good, updates are haphazard. This could be a good evil mc story if he did his own thing and doesnt have unwanted tag alongs but I doubt thats gonna happen.

Cerberus Blackborn


Liked it!




hope it isn't harem

Wesh2003:also the characters around him will be powerful to even things out a bit so even his enemies will be just as op as mc but not as much.

i have read your comment and i agree that 12 year old children aren't sexual beings. I may have messed up there so i am changing the age of the characters to 16+.


I have finished updating the age and height of the characters. I have made them older 'around 16 years old' which should be good enough for their bodies to have developed. Thanks for the feedback, it has helped me fix my mistake. Also thanks for realizing this isn't harry potter though i did think of writing towards that theme, i wanted to do my own thing. Besides, wands aren't my thing. :)


also the characters around him will be powerful to even things out a bit so even his enemies will be just as op as mc but not as much.