
Review Detail of GloveWithHoles in Shadow Slave



Rewriting this review: As I have shifted my taste from the crappy and cliche novels on this website to the more sophisticated and polished korean novels; I find this novel to be one of the only ones that could possibly compete with the koreans in quality and craps on them in regard to the frequency of updates. without a doubt, the best novel on this horrid website and deservingly stays at the number 1 spot of the power rankings. I'm caught up and I can say that this is the only original novel here that I have not dropped yet. Everything about this novel is at least decent and there is not much to criticize. There are things to nitpick about like the repetitive words like "abomination" but those are extremely minor. This novel should be what every other author should strive for and is essentially my golden standard for a progression fantasy novel. The cleverness and uniqueness of SS makes it stand out from all of the other novels and makes everything else in this website seem amateurish. I genuinely believe that this is worth publishing to the public as a hardcopy with volumes instead of rotting away in this crappy website. This novel ruined my view of every other original in this website and just the overall professional production of SS slaps everything else here. Genuinely, this novel is a great mix of the typical progression fantasy concepts and more Western elements that incorporate metaphoric symbolism with an actual meaning behind each chapter. I thoroughly enjoy this novel and will continue to read in the many more chapters in the future. G3, you have genuinely talent that I cannot deny as this seems to be your first long novel that you have committed to writing. Despite that, it is this good, keep up the work.

Shadow Slave


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