
Review Detail of BlackFan in My Master Keeps Breaking Through On The Verge Of Death



Read it until around chapter 100 in the raws. Slow story. This is certainly not a xianxia power rush. As another commenter as said, this is more like a slice of life novel. Some things to note: Just the fact that the MC's first major cultivation level has needed dozens of chapters to breakthrough should give the reader the right expectancy. The plot is the usual for this type of novel so don't expect great originality. The writing cannot be considered very good, but it is way above what we poor mortals are usually been fed in this site. The author seem to have done some little research about what he is talking about and not just spiting completely random BS just because it looks cool. Some characters are not just zero dimensional and could actually menace to reach 1 dim. In particular the MC. The author has managed to use all the tired and overtried chinese webnovel MC pseudo characteristics but managed to make them blend into something of a silhouette of a human being. That is a real achievement. This also means that our MC is not a copy of schwarzenegger's terminator. Unfortunately this also means that there are irritating situations and characters that hinder our easy reading flow. Some because of the way this caricature of a world influence its beings, and some just because the author is not that good at humor as needed in those cases. Note that this not mean that this story doesn't have humor. On the contrary. There is plenty of soft and even subtle humor, which is appropriate for a slice of life type of story. ... This author gives the feel of someone who is on its way to be a very capable professional writer, but only the future can tell. All in all this novel is readable and, given our drought of good books to read, might even deserve a 4 stars rating from me.

My Master Keeps Breaking Through On The Verge Of Death

Pork 200 Pounds





Is a mtl avaiable online? I haven't even searched for the raws since I can't read chinese.


Just search for the raw title on mtlnovel or another such site. An alternative is to search the raw title on google and use the automatic translation of the browser (chrome has it). The mtl translation quality is very low and not for everyone but usable after some time, But only if you really need it (whatever the reason) and strongly manage your expectation in term of quality. The quality will also vary much from author to author depending on their writing style. An human translation is, no doubt, much better. For now. This means that human translators should still be supported until our AI overlords take power...

DaoistSkyHeavens:Is a mtl avaiable online? I haven't even searched for the raws since I can't read chinese.