
Review Detail of sole_monarch_022 in TBATE:Time Leap



Yes. The story is extremely good if I were to say so and I can already see it's potential in the chapters that are yet to come... and there is a good scope for plot and character development too... but one serious con I found that although the pacing is very well in the initial chapters it gets pretty messed up in the coming chapters... I hope you can kinda slow things down and not rush... other than that I didn't find any mistakes...also use grammarly to sort out ur errors yk

TBATE:Time Leap


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Rushed? ans-Basically main story starts after he return home so it will be a little messy untill he goes adventuring. Grammer? ans-Yeah ,I know I have mixed past and present grammer a little bit like I have use have /has and had for the the same event .I am actually working on it but sometimes I just don't remember that I have to correct it and sometimes I just ignore it thinking(ummmm...they will get it). Spelling? This is the biggest problem and is due to autocorrect and I will correct it in upcoming chapters. Upload date? It's not decided it yet but I will decided it soon.But for now I will upload 2-3 ch/week Series Length? I am planning it to be long series for about 50-60 chapters atleast. Any other Fanfic? I have uploaded another series of tbate fanfic .You can read it but its quite short like 5-6 chapters (for now).and will end with few more chapters.