
Review Detail of thatfanficwriter in Cremated Chains



I've been reading Cremated Chains since it came out on Quotev and I am so happy to see it come so far! Haya is such a great writer and she knows how to spin stories in a way that makes the reader fall in love with the world she's built. Her characters give me a sense of reality and make me genuinely feel empathy for them and the obstacles they face; something that I haven't seen in such a long time! One aspect I truly love is how the antagonist isn't revealed yet and we're following a true mystery with the MC to try and understand who is causing her so much trouble and why. Look forward to seeing more of this book!

Cremated Chains

Haya Sameer





Same! I'm so proud of Haya! I remember when she used to talk to us about plot points and be nervous about releasing chapters but I feel like she's grown with her characters and is an amazing writer now!