
Review Detail of kartik_agarwal in I Hate Systems



This story has potential, lots of potential. But there are glaring problems too. In the first 500 chapters, till mc destroys all luck systems, story was great. Even though it seemed that mc is getting bizarre powers out of nowhere, still story was interesting as the opponents of mc were too powerful, and mc needed to get such powers to be able to fight. But after 500+ chapters, when mc arrives in the first system world, where slayer etc were born, writing quality takes a dip. it becomes difficult to understand the motivation of various characters, why slayer needs to fight main characters and zaira, the system Lord, at the same time. Since author's writing quality becomes poor at such critical points of story only, it seems that author has become confused, and so he just writes away anything, just to let the characters fight one another, and let action continue. Still having invested so much in the story, it is still interesting to read about the fights and how mc get more and more bizarre powers to be able to win.

I Hate Systems






It appears that I was not the only one to think exactly that. =D Not sure if I would say that the quality has dropped per se, but unlike in the beginning now we're getting backstory to backstory to backstory... and I get that it's all important, and admittedly also interesting, but the way it's presented it is hard to keep track. It doesn't help that there isn't really much of a headsup when we're getting into the next arc/backstory, especially since the MC has split into different personalities, and you can't be sure if we are following CC, or some of his Alter Egos. I am in the midst of the whole System Origin Backstory, so hoping it gets better in the next 100 chapters or so ^^