
Review Detail of dancematdan in Bombyx: Return of the Vengeful Eldest Daughter



Leaving another shameless author review. Slowing down the two pages a day for a while and trying to get one out per day or at least five per week if I am lacking in inspiration. New cover design that I made myself in my free time so I hope that it tries to show off the main character a little.

Bombyx: Return of the Vengeful Eldest Daughter






author is it yuri maybe you should add yuri


The main character is on the path to strong strength and a long life, if there is a partner then they need to be as talented as herself, just as hardworking but also a similar age range. Few characters fit that description except the two of the characters that are added part way through. One is her previous enemy and the other is without her emotions because of the martial arts she has trained in, so developing a relationship towards such a direction would be difficult. Plus writing a romance was never my intention from the beginning, I could add it later but I have no experience writing romance and I fear I will only make it worse.

HazeUniverse_1:author is it yuri maybe you should add yuri

just go about it as it seems natural, so the candidates are the two ice people and maybe the prince

dancematdan:The main character is on the path to strong strength and a long life, if there is a partner then they need to be as talented as herself, just as hardworking but also a similar age range. Few characters fit that description except the two of the characters that are added part way through. One is her previous enemy and the other is without her emotions because of the martial arts she has trained in, so developing a relationship towards such a direction would be difficult. Plus writing a romance was never my intention from the beginning, I could add it later but I have no experience writing romance and I fear I will only make it worse.