
Review Detail of ThePandaCritic in Reincarnated As A Chameleon And Eating Everything to Evolve



I read this story because someone said it's like Chrysalis. while the initial premise of this was true the more u read this story u realize that gem cant is compared to this coal. The initial plot was an interesting one but as it progressed, it became a brain drain. First, till about chapter 60 sum, Mc mentions his goal ....and my gosh it was sum bs. The system while helpful its like a cruth to the Mc while he somewhat figures stuff out. the system makes a lot of his growth irrelevant which to sum is nice but to me is boring. In Chrysalis most of his stuff was learned everything he knows or did was trial and error or he had to earn it. Simple communication with his own family was something he had to earn. but here mc is given that skill. there is no trial and error with him. it is just growth with the guidance of the system(boring after a while). His intelligence is quite questionable not totally dumb but not the brights bulb in the barn. This story is quite nice if u turn your brain off. Come here expecting anything more and you are in for a disappointment. All in it was just ok for me.

Reincarnated As A Chameleon And Eating Everything to Evolve



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