
Review Detail of UnedeadKing23 in MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master



Really love this book keep up the great work and please make him and Ruby get together it will be the best thing ever I really hope that . Will you keep telling people not to read this and other websites it’s not because people don’t want to support you it’s because it gets expensive I just blew off one month of tokens to read your book and I was glad I did it but it’s the expensive one month of saving passes and everything gone in about a day so I saw that you guys had to go cheaper on premium or whenever has increase the credits given I don’t have money to buy credits constantly keep up the good work

MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master






thankyou for the support and I appreciate it. I do understand the issue of piracy and I agree that it is difficult to catch up with 200 plus chapter when 160 are paid . however from my point of view as an author , sites that earn money from my work seems unfair. I do not blame the readers but the site owners who post 15 ads between my chapters and earn money from site traffic while only pirating my content . please understand that I am powerless against such people , and only by pleading the readers can I make a effort for change