
Review Detail of NakedApron in Lovingly together



Okay! This novel is the best family relations novel that I've read on this site, period. I'm willing to fight people for my opinion and I'm not ashamed to admit that I'll use a gun in the fight. Quality: Few mistakes here and there but they're just happy accidents so it doesn't matter! Ah, but I did find it a bit annoying, since the scenes didn't have a main POV? After chap 3, it felt like the POVs just kept shifting around without much indication, but I might've been wrong? Maybe it just bothers me specifically, because I write very loyally to one POV in a single scene. Story: First of all, it's lit. The developments are very interesting, and although I'm familiar with the evil aunt in a noble house archetype, I'm very interested in how things will be handled, because Valeria's not someone who fits in the noble family struggle setting. I feel like I'm botching the explanation, but let's jsut say Valeria's actions are hard to predict at this point in the story and it's super interesting. Charaacter: Roxana bae. Valeria comes at a close second, but I'm satisfied. Setting: I'm not really familiar with the noble household setting, so I can't really comment. But I am enjoying it very much, so there's that.

Lovingly together






Thank you for the amazing review, and I'll take careful note of the mistakes you pointed. I really missed them. I am glad you liked this story. Your words really mean a lot. The change in POVs is because I am not writing from characters point of view but from mine, a third person's to retain the mystery and show how the characters are and how the plot unfolds instead of telling. I hope I am managing to do a fine job, don't really know cause I am a real amateur. POVs are hard to decide. Thank you for reading!