
Review Detail of cvu1706 in Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse



I found this novel to be quite a letdown. The writing style is good, the beginning is good, the MC and all side characters are introduced with a defining characteristic and setups that promise a lot of potential for this novel. Honestly within the first 50 chapters, I really had the feeling that I found a gem and this novel could be a masterpiece. However, the more I read on, the more I was letdown and by chapter 130 the novel lost me. I stopped reading. It became obvious that the focus of the novel will be fighting and I am not looking forward to reading 1000 chapters and more with repeated fights where it is obvious that the MC will win and get with each fight some kind of powerup to get more OP. For me, fights are a spice to make your meal more delicious, but with spices alone will never be a meal that will satisfy you and fill you up. What I consider as letdowns: 1. There are no further/barely any specific details(not vague, relative mentionings) to the characters aside from what you find out the first time they are introduced. Don't believe me? Then ask yourself after you have read the novel: what are the MC's likings(color, food), disliking, hobbies, height, ticks, weaknesses etc? What is Lilith's likings, hobbies, height, etc. or where does she live, what is her living routine, her problems, etc? 2. MC and Lilith's relationship/interactions: By around chapter 100, the MC treats Lilith like a year-old good friend which is hard to believe and empathise as a reader, since MC at that time knows her less than a month and has no further knowledge of her. The only two interactions between them within those 100 chapters is where she either is teasing him or giving him knowledge about the new world. His personality is set as an asocial, awkward loner. Hell, he does not even know her full name. Just her first name. He is also never interested in knowing it. 3. Magic. So the title of the novel is blood warlock and from the synopsis it is implied that the MC has a super-genius level of magic talent. In chapter 104 it is literally said that the Soul Record is giving him special treatment due to this magic talent, so why is our MC a sword fighter(he fights mainly with the sword)? The title and synopsis promised different. For that hyped up level of talent, I expect Magic to be his main way of fighting and for him to do more with it. 4. The MC's motivation. His family. Honestly aside from the beginning where the MC fears their loss and then Lilith gives him the hope that they might have survived, the MC's behaviour barely reflects that they are his goal. He claims he needs to get to his family, but that sounds so perfunctory. Why? Simple: He is taking his sweet time getting to them. Like he never feels the rush to get to them as soon as possible. He never fears that even while they might have survived the beginning of the apocalypse, they might get killed off or live a bad live until he gets to them. When he sees woman's getting raped and abused, he never considers/fears that the same could happen to his mother and sister? He never has nightmares that they might be suffering? He also never attempted getting to their home. From observing the bad situation, he simply deduces and then takes as fact, without real evidence/proof, that the journey to his family is impossible unless he reaches a strong enough strength. Disclaimer: I have only reached around 130 chapters, so there is no garantee that in future chapters all these letdowns are properly addressed by the author. I know that I don't want to invest the time and money to find out so that's why I am stopping. Honestly, whether a novel is for you or not is best decided by yourself trying it. This is just my feeling and opinion. Because I feel this novel had the potential to be a masterpiece(at least in my unprofessional reader's eye), I am so disappointed at the letdowns.

Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse


Liked it!

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