
Review Detail of sweetinty in Unforgiving World Rebirth



Hi! This is kerawood, an editor of the international writing contest SWA II. I believe your book has great potential, so I invited you to join in a week ago. Please reply to me so I can discuss this with you in detail. This contest is free entry.

Unforgiving World Rebirth


Liked it!




In your previous reply, you had a bitly link near the end of it. Bitly links already are suspicious as is as they are a good way to hide malware links. What's even more suspicious is that I can't find a single thing about this writing contest known as "SWA II" on google. Adding onto that, on your profile you have made many more reviews exactly like this one. This by itself wouldn't be suspicious if this contest was real, however, your profile has "-" on reading time and books read. This makes me think that you just posted this reply on random new books under a certain genre without even reading them.