
Review Detail of GolemSpartan in Remnant's Genius Detective [RWBY Fanfic]



RWBY is a great story that has spawned hundreds of fanfics on both Webnovel and Wattpad, and I've literally read them by the dozens. To say that the Author has broken the mold is and understatement and I would like to emphasize 3 things the author does well: 1) He provides a detailed description of every character you meet for the first time, giving even those who are wholly familiar with the series a fresh breath on old characters. 2) You will find quite shortly that the MC is a detective of a series that many would have at least heard the name of, (not spoiling) the author perfectly represents how both the MC and the RWBY cast interact with him. Something that's surprisingly rare. 3) Most make a MC and say he's smart, but fewer can can actually show it. This author is apart of the minority that can do exactly that.

Remnant's Genius Detective [RWBY Fanfic]






thanks a lot for the review. I have to actually act like L and act the scenes out with my friends and brother to make the scenes realistic, so it takes a long while to write these short chapters. I appreciate this review a lot. Thank you a lot.