
Review Detail of Ada_5253 in His Rui



Hello! This is the author here. 'His Rui' is my first story so there must be need for some improvement. There will be some grammatical mistakes as well. So please bear with me. However, I can assure you that the plot will not disappoint you. There are many twists and turns that will be present till the last chapter. So if you have decided to give it a read, I thank you for giving 'His Rui' a chance. An honest review will always be appreciated. Thanks Ada:)

His Rui






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i loved the chapters❤️❤️❤️



lovestoread:i loved the chapters❤️❤️❤️

keep writing ✍️ good stories


i love your story keep writing you are a good author❤️❤️


I like the story a lot, thank author. Keep on the good work 😘😘😘😘😘😘


Thanks for reading His Rui ❤️. I am glad that you are enjoying the story.

ega99:I like the story a lot, thank author. Keep on the good work 😘😘😘😘😘😘

There's no problem with it's Gramma but I just wanted to ask since it's tagged with second chance and rebirth, I was wondering what's the use of showing use the future since he's gonna woke up in the past, maybe when he has not defiled her just to save her or maybe after but he's willing to marry her and took care her and her unborn child , eliminate his traitor shadow guard and put more effort to protect her, Maybe make her feel in love with him but it's just that this novel is just going through the future then what's the need of being rebirth or being given a second chance, please reply to me okay my head is already a mess I really wanna continue reading this novel and recommend it to my friends but I don't think I can continue to do that if am displeased by the novel and don't understand it am also sorry because I'll not rate this novel until am pleased with it Thank you


Hello Dear, I appreciate that you shared your thoughts instead of leaving the story. Thanks for that. Replying to your comment, Xi Ying is not gonna wake up in the past. I have already started published the chapters where the ML is back with his body. You will soon be able to read them because they are on Privilege for now. As to why the tags are rebirth and second chance, it is yet to be told. I hope you can understand that I can't reveal it now. If you have any other questions, you are very welcome to ask. I will reply whenever I will see your comment. Thanks for reading His Rui ❤️

Micheal_kosra:There's no problem with it's Gramma but I just wanted to ask since it's tagged with second chance and rebirth, I was wondering what's the use of showing use the future since he's gonna woke up in the past, maybe when he has not defiled her just to save her or maybe after but he's willing to marry her and took care her and her unborn child , eliminate his traitor shadow guard and put more effort to protect her, Maybe make her feel in love with him but it's just that this novel is just going through the future then what's the need of being rebirth or being given a second chance, please reply to me okay my head is already a mess I really wanna continue reading this novel and recommend it to my friends but I don't think I can continue to do that if am displeased by the novel and don't understand it am also sorry because I'll not rate this novel until am pleased with it Thank you

I'm loving the story line so far, it's definitely not the usual second chance in a since of going back time but the fact that he(ML) is willing to correct his mistakes and she(FL) is so far willing to accept his approach I'm finding quite refreshing as usually FL have that opposing traits, which I don't mind, but this story is giving me different vibes and I'm loving it. Many thanks author. Keep up the good writing. P.S. One little thing that I didn't quite grasp if you don't mind it was the fact that it took too little time to get to the borders from the capital, it felt the war was too close to the citizens.


Thanks for the review. I am glad that you are enjoying the story so far. About the border thing ....thanks for pointing it out. I, too was feeling that the time was less so I have increased it to almost three days. Since Xi Ying didn't rest on his way so he completed the four days journey in almost three days. Yes, the war was very close to citizens if we see it that way. You will get to know more when the geographical situation of Xin will be mentioned in the later chapters. Thanks for reading His Rui ❤️❤️. I hope you will stay till the end.

Jojoma:I'm loving the story line so far, it's definitely not the usual second chance in a since of going back time but the fact that he(ML) is willing to correct his mistakes and she(FL) is so far willing to accept his approach I'm finding quite refreshing as usually FL have that opposing traits, which I don't mind, but this story is giving me different vibes and I'm loving it. Many thanks author. Keep up the good writing. P.S. One little thing that I didn't quite grasp if you don't mind it was the fact that it took too little time to get to the borders from the capital, it felt the war was too close to the citizens.

hi author, is there any major misunderstanding in this novel? usually I don't like misunderstanding...


Yes dear, there is.

Reader_IN:hi author, is there any major misunderstanding in this novel? usually I don't like misunderstanding...

Eventhough I hate misunderstandings, I still want to give a try...novel is really good...pls make the misunderstandings less


Thanks for that. I appreciate that you are giving it a try. Although there are misunderstanding it is there for main leads to get closer to each other. You will find it full of twists and in the end will find out how even misunderstandings were necessary. Hope you will enjoy your read ❤️❤️

Reader_IN:Eventhough I hate misunderstandings, I still want to give a try...novel is really good...pls make the misunderstandings less

omg...how to explain ..,. I m just loving this book" his Rui". this is my first ever hist.book ever. little greedy and selfish reader wants more chapters.,...


dear author....approx how many chapters this story has?


Dear I am still not sure about the answer of your question. When I had started I had thought that the story would not last more than 200 chapters but here are we ...only covered half of the plot in almost 300 chapters. The approximation will be around 500 chapters for now and the side stories separately. But it is not a guaranteed approximation 🙂

Reader_IN:dear author....approx how many chapters this story has?

hi, is the ml loyal or had any other relationships, etc. most history novels keep girls virgins and ml as non virgin and also its as if it is good and blah blah blah. i don't like that hipocracy. can you please tell about ml. then i could start reading.


He is loyal ...but you might still not like him in the beginning. The story has angst and is a rollercoaster ride of emotions. So read at your own risk.

Ri_Yas:hi, is the ml loyal or had any other relationships, etc. most history novels keep girls virgins and ml as non virgin and also its as if it is good and blah blah blah. i don't like that hipocracy. can you please tell about ml. then i could start reading.