
Review Detail of erikku in Log In: Buddha Palm Obtained



So are we just going to copy and paste ‘sign-in buddha’s palm’?! If so I already read it. Not quite sure what’s going on here, but am looking forward to reading the comments. *grabs popcorn*

Log In: Buddha Palm Obtained

Back to the Beginning





dude if you want to support the original author go to the RAW site and directly support him, webnovel be stealing alot of novels recently, including some faloo exclusive novels.

Irfan999:I think you misunderstood, and he wanted to reply to both of the last comments. "It's still pirating" mean even if Fox have more chapters and better quality than this, it's still stealing from original author under qidian and this translation (Webnovel) is the legal one that the result will support the original author.

It has already been and is still being translated and is at 100 chapters on different website


This is sign in to buddahs palm novel so unless they are going to rewrite it go read on other website

ultimatecoom:It has already been and is still being translated and is at 100 chapters on different website

Webnovel (Qidian International) have the license. The original (the raw Chinese) is from qidian by original author. The fox translates it illegally and not support the original author, so... 🤷‍♂️


Why you suggest this —the legal one— to rewrite (make it different from original from Qidian) when that site Fox is the one that just translates without giving support to author?

ultimatecoom:This is sign in to buddahs palm novel so unless they are going to rewrite it go read on other website

Yes but there are already 100 chapters there

Irfan999:Webnovel (Qidian International) have the license. The original (the raw Chinese) is from qidian by original author. The fox translates it illegally and not support the original author, so... 🤷‍♂️

The Quality is better on fox

Irfan999:Why you suggest this —the legal one— to rewrite (make it different from original from Qidian) when that site Fox is the one that just translates without giving support to author?

Its still pirating


china is based on the art of copy pasting of things be it cars tech fashion etc from other countries so this much pirating is like a drop of water in ocean

Evelcior:Its still pirating

I think you misunderstood, and he wanted to reply to both of the last comments. "It's still pirating" mean even if Fox have more chapters and better quality than this, it's still stealing from original author under qidian and this translation (Webnovel) is the legal one that the result will support the original author.

Sin_of_GREED:china is based on the art of copy pasting of things be it cars tech fashion etc from other countries so this much pirating is like a drop of water in ocean

I think ur knowledge about china is somewhat incomplete yes it's pirating acc to almost all countries and international standards but u forget china doesn't believe in the international standards and in its a copyright case only if it's copied more than 50% i think well it's way above what the copyright terms r in other countries hence it not pirating after all when china can make cars with same design as other companies and just sell it with a new brand how can they claim it a copyright afterall most novels in Chinese gerne r 50% to 90% same😂 hahaha so don't use laws of rest of the world on China as it doesn't consider any laws expect it's own

Irfan999:I think you misunderstood, and he wanted to reply to both of the last comments. "It's still pirating" mean even if Fox have more chapters and better quality than this, it's still stealing from original author under qidian and this translation (Webnovel) is the legal one that the result will support the original author.

I more or less know about it. What I mean in this situation is like this: - The original author, Back to Beginning, created "开局签到如来神掌/Sign-in Buddha's Palm" (original Chinese raw version) at Qidian - Foxaholic translates the novel illegally, not buying the right to do it. Neither from Qidian nor Author. The donations and payment from Google adsense by views will not have connection with author, only pocketed by Foxaholic's team. - Webnovel (Qidian International) owned by Qidian. So as long as the novels (including this novel) are from Qidian, they have the right to translates them as the Qidian is their parent. They translates the novel legally, reading it mean support the authors. - Sign in Buddha's Palm (Foxaholic) and Log In: Buddha Palm Obtained (Webnovel) is the same novel, 开局签到如来神掌, created by Back to Beginning, . Not copy, not pirate but the same novel. BOTH translates the SAME novel. Different is Foxaholic is early on translates it but by stealing, Webnovel is late one but have the right to do it.

Sin_of_GREED:I think ur knowledge about china is somewhat incomplete yes it's pirating acc to almost all countries and international standards but u forget china doesn't believe in the international standards and in its a copyright case only if it's copied more than 50% i think well it's way above what the copyright terms r in other countries hence it not pirating after all when china can make cars with same design as other companies and just sell it with a new brand how can they claim it a copyright afterall most novels in Chinese gerne r 50% to 90% same😂 hahaha so don't use laws of rest of the world on China as it doesn't consider any laws expect it's own

so what if they don't have the right almost no one in outside of china has good feelings for it p s since they can steal from others others can't steal from them bro 1st almost no court in the world would take hearing of the case if q or author filed one 2nd even if they did 🦊 will just have to change the name of the novel and MC's name to get out of it and Chinese can't do sh it afterall this is there own tactic they have been using since globalisation

Irfan999:I more or less know about it. What I mean in this situation is like this: - The original author, Back to Beginning, created "开局签到如来神掌/Sign-in Buddha's Palm" (original Chinese raw version) at Qidian - Foxaholic translates the novel illegally, not buying the right to do it. Neither from Qidian nor Author. The donations and payment from Google adsense by views will not have connection with author, only pocketed by Foxaholic's team. - Webnovel (Qidian International) owned by Qidian. So as long as the novels (including this novel) are from Qidian, they have the right to translates them as the Qidian is their parent. They translates the novel legally, reading it mean support the authors. - Sign in Buddha's Palm (Foxaholic) and Log In: Buddha Palm Obtained (Webnovel) is the same novel, 开局签到如来神掌, created by Back to Beginning, . Not copy, not pirate but the same novel. BOTH translates the SAME novel. Different is Foxaholic is early on translates it but by stealing, Webnovel is late one but have the right to do it.

"Can't take hearing", yeah usually it can't but Webnovel can send DMCA takedown (one of reasons why other novels' translations often stopped when Webnovel started their translations of those novels as their site were at risk). Foxaholic is hosted by Cloudflare, and Cloudflare is not the hosting that ignores DMCA, so if Webnovel wants to take it down they can.

Sin_of_GREED:so what if they don't have the right almost no one in outside of china has good feelings for it p s since they can steal from others others can't steal from them bro 1st almost no court in the world would take hearing of the case if q or author filed one 2nd even if they did 🦊 will just have to change the name of the novel and MC's name to get out of it and Chinese can't do sh it afterall this is there own tactic they have been using since globalisation

u know that there are 7 or 9 countries which totally ignore DMCA while many others don't agree to DMCA but sometimes similar to it in themselves while there many companies which are based in some countries which r very hostile against china will also ignore it or delay it for so long ( that the accused does some changes and get out of it) due to it being from China plus do know that there r many platform/websites similar to Netflix and yet they don't get removed even if they do they come back in days with slight changes plus isn't DMCA an usa treaty or something right China is disgusting which law they like they use it but ones they don't like just act like it doesn't even exist p s u stick to ur ideals while I do to mine I think since Chinese people directly or indirectly enjoy the benifits brought by stealing copying etc done by china they definitely deserve to get the disadvantages too

Irfan999:"Can't take hearing", yeah usually it can't but Webnovel can send DMCA takedown (one of reasons why other novels' translations often stopped when Webnovel started their translations of those novels as their site were at risk). Foxaholic is hosted by Cloudflare, and Cloudflare is not the hosting that ignores DMCA, so if Webnovel wants to take it down they can.

Look like you have some biases to China... I wouldn't comment more about that except: Not all things are good, nor are evil. Just like coin have front and back side. And about DMCA, how accepted or ignored it is based of from which country of the hosting, not the websites' owners' countries. That's why I mentioned Foxaholic is hosted by Cloudflare. As Cloudflare is US based hosting, they wouldn't ignore DMCA notices. So Foxaholic still have some risk.

Sin_of_GREED:u know that there are 7 or 9 countries which totally ignore DMCA while many others don't agree to DMCA but sometimes similar to it in themselves while there many companies which are based in some countries which r very hostile against china will also ignore it or delay it for so long ( that the accused does some changes and get out of it) due to it being from China plus do know that there r many platform/websites similar to Netflix and yet they don't get removed even if they do they come back in days with slight changes plus isn't DMCA an usa treaty or something right China is disgusting which law they like they use it but ones they don't like just act like it doesn't even exist p s u stick to ur ideals while I do to mine I think since Chinese people directly or indirectly enjoy the benifits brought by stealing copying etc done by china they definitely deserve to get the disadvantages too

ofcourse almost everyone now days affected by Wuhan virus has negativity towards china (remember I am saying china not Chinese people ) second even if wn files DMCA cloud would definitely length the process and inform fox before afterall wn doesn't give any thing to cloud while fox is its costumer hence it benefits more from helping fox then straight away carrying out the DMCA hence the risk is very less anyway irfan according to ur name ur probably muslim right if yes how can u take side with china when more than 2million muslims r put in concentration camps by china for generations ? plus not everything has 2 sides some r just what they r anyway bye good conversation 👍

Irfan999:Look like you have some biases to China... I wouldn't comment more about that except: Not all things are good, nor are evil. Just like coin have front and back side. And about DMCA, how accepted or ignored it is based of from which country of the hosting, not the websites' owners' countries. That's why I mentioned Foxaholic is hosted by Cloudflare. As Cloudflare is US based hosting, they wouldn't ignore DMCA notices. So Foxaholic still have some risk.

It is rewritten and is different from the raws

Irfan999:Why you suggest this —the legal one— to rewrite (make it different from original from Qidian) when that site Fox is the one that just translates without giving support to author?