
Review Detail of Atlas_Evergreen in Reincarnated into SAO [DROPPED]



Writing quality - 1 star worse than average Stability of updates - 1 star Pretty descent but this story is so bad nobody is going to notice or want to read Story development - The MC follows the Canon like a religion let me remind you he knows the hole plot line so there's no excuse for just letting people die so you can follow canon and get asuna as a GF. He lets the Black cats guild die, HE LETS KIRITO'S GIRLFRIEND DIE! THERE SUPPSED TO BE BESTFRIENDS BUT NO GOT TO FOLLOW THE PLOT AND ACT COOL WHEN I GET THE CHANCE. Honestly the story is a joke. He treat life like a toy and lets so may innocent people die for his pleasure of sitting back and watching the story unfold. Character Design- 2 stars We know he has purple hair and purple eyes he's 14 he's 5,5 so short but that doesn't matter rly, We don't know if he's attractive or not so for all I know he could be a horse under those purple hair's. World Background- 1 star... HOLY SHIT THIS IS WHER IT GETS FUSTRATING! We don't know barely anything about his past life besides he was an Otaku, we know nothing about his background in is second life. Like what is his family like, any past stories that shaped the MC's personality growing up... stuff that would be helpful in getting to learn the MC's personality and connect to it all we know is that his hobby is parkour... Instead the author throws the MC into the game immediately with no prologue to really speak of. After Reading this story I find myself being thankful about this because with the MC's shitty personality and bad writing from the author I don't think I could get through his childhood or family story's without deleting webnovel. **: The Author says the will follow canon so I knew the story would follow canon. But usually when a author says this he means he wont be creating a story of his own in that world and the MC will be linked some way to canon along the way of the story. Never in my wildest dreams would I expect something like this from a fanfic. What's the point in writing a fanfic if your just going to follow the canon in such a way that it make the readers hate the MC, and yes I said readers because if you go and read the comment section you will find people that commented on the morality of the MC. DONT READ IM WARNING YOU, YOUL REGRETT IT

Reincarnated into SAO [DROPPED]






Thanks for the review! I understand the frustrations and i don’t claim to be a good writer. Yes the story follows Canon. Mostly because I’m not very creative, but also because it’s what i find enjoyable. The reason he lets the Black Cats die is because he warned Kirito, and wanted to show him thay things have consequences. Its also supposed to be used as a hint that hes not necessarily the way he makes himself seem. But like i said I’m not a good writer, so yes this was poorly Executed. sorry! As for the backstory, Yes i purposely skipped it because i personally get tired of reading peoples origin stories before i ever find out if i like the story. Which seemed to benefit you, as i assume you’ve already dropped this book and probably won’t see this response. Also i planned it for backstories. Also SAO LN literally starts with Kirito on floor 70 after they enter the game. And besides a Quick monologue from him we don’t know anything about him, before we are put in the game. I jusy figured people would be like me and want to get straight into the action, over a full introduction chapter. But yes, this story is cringey, cliche, poorly written with no proofreading. Sorry this story wasn’t what you were looking for! Good luck in the future.


I'm not saying the author is a bad person I'm just saying the story needs to be re-written in a way that we can actually enjoy it. The author's actually not a bad person although I don't know him/her and cant really go off anything besides him responding to a comment of mine.