
Review Detail of author_aruel in Heart of Flowers Sword of Thorns



Hi, there reader. I am the author of this story. Please know this is not me shamelessly reviewing my own novel. I am not hunting for "stars", I am interested in grabbing your attention. Let's be honest, when clicking on a story the first thing one reads is the title and the description - not much for me to say there that is not strictly related to the story. The next thing the reader will go for are the reviews - and here you are now. When you start to read this you may find my writing style to linger too much on descriptions. I know that is a 'No-no' when it comes to tricks on how to lure in the readers. But F. that. I like to use descriptions in my story only at certain points to set the mood - like in the old movies when the camera pans down in the first scene to set the tone for what's to come. If you are patient and willing to go beyond that you might find the honey pot. That is what I hope for anyway. As a reader, I enjoy various genres but as a storyteller, I find myself unapologetically trapped in the romantic style. My characters are cleary flashed out with romantic traits, I like to use symbolism and so set the reader on a path he thinks he already predicted. Then I like to add a twist here and there and leave a lot of the storyline surrounded in mystery. That is what my intent was at least. If my intend transpired or not in my writing you can be the judge of that. Thank you for your attention and I hope you find a lot of new good reads.

Heart of Flowers Sword of Thorns






hi Author. I would love to read and enjoy this novel of yours. as long as all chapters are free I am willing to give my thoughts and suggest on some things if you need it be. I hope you continue no matter what, I will be following this book up till the end,..




Hopefully this story becomes a Korean drama. I watch a lot of korean drama n as i read this, i was wishing for a director to pick up this story it's so good. It would be nice to watch it on screen too. Thank you for your hard work. Looking to more of yiu books in the future.


uou, thank you. I would jump at the offer to have this transposed into something more than a book. Do you know any directors I might approach? I am serious :) - I would be willing to send them the manuscript of my book :))

Fatima_Gorongfel:Hopefully this story becomes a Korean drama. I watch a lot of korean drama n as i read this, i was wishing for a director to pick up this story it's so good. It would be nice to watch it on screen too. Thank you for your hard work. Looking to more of yiu books in the future.

hey how do I gift you!!


Lexey, you are the sweetest. I have decided not to sign my contract, for personal reasons and to keep the novel free for anyone to read, so you cannot gift me. You coming back to read, your comments, your powerstones were all so priceless and helped my writing process immensely. I decided to enter the Webnovel Spirity Awards with this story so I had to create a new book and you can find it in my profile. I also rewrote and edited it like crazy yet I feel they would not consider it if I do not have a contract :)). Well, to me your intent speaks volumes and touches my heart. Thank you so much. Lots of love! Stay safe.

Lexey_Maybe:hey how do I gift you!!

awe i understand. thankyou for your books and yess I will def check it out! 🖤but still I wish you could win something for this story (I haven't started reading the third vol just yet but I know it will be dope like the rest) you're a great writer and thankyou for blessing us with such a heartwarming story plus I love the old fashion era too!! I would totally pay to keep reading btw🥰 God bless you 💕 have a good night 🌹🌹💋

author_aruel:Lexey, you are the sweetest. I have decided not to sign my contract, for personal reasons and to keep the novel free for anyone to read, so you cannot gift me. You coming back to read, your comments, your powerstones were all so priceless and helped my writing process immensely. I decided to enter the Webnovel Spirity Awards with this story so I had to create a new book and you can find it in my profile. I also rewrote and edited it like crazy yet I feel they would not consider it if I do not have a contract :)). Well, to me your intent speaks volumes and touches my heart. Thank you so much. Lots of love! Stay safe.

Hey, thank you so much for your support for my spirity awards book. It means a lot to me!

Lexey_Maybe:awe i understand. thankyou for your books and yess I will def check it out! 🖤but still I wish you could win something for this story (I haven't started reading the third vol just yet but I know it will be dope like the rest) you're a great writer and thankyou for blessing us with such a heartwarming story plus I love the old fashion era too!! I would totally pay to keep reading btw🥰 God bless you 💕 have a good night 🌹🌹💋

Before I read this book, should I read the other one first or not... Will it have connection with this book?


Hi, yes. The other book is the first volume of the story. The 2nd and 3rd volumes can be found n this book. I am so sorry for the hassle. I registered to participate in a contest hosted by Webnovel so I had to split the books. Before you go through the trouble to look for the other book I left in this one the very first chapter so you could get an idea about the story and my writing style. Thank you for your interest.

MrJoelz:Before I read this book, should I read the other one first or not... Will it have connection with this book?

I have just done read the first volume... but what I can say is that the book is not my type... btw thanks

author_aruel:Hi, yes. The other book is the first volume of the story. The 2nd and 3rd volumes can be found n this book. I am so sorry for the hassle. I registered to participate in a contest hosted by Webnovel so I had to split the books. Before you go through the trouble to look for the other book I left in this one the very first chapter so you could get an idea about the story and my writing style. Thank you for your interest.

Thank you for giving the story a chance and for your reply to my comment. We are all moved by different things so I hope you will find many stories that will catch your interest and leave you unable to put them down. You reached out to me and were honest and I truly appreciate that. Best of luck and best of fun on this platform, or others.

MrJoelz:I have just done read the first volume... but what I can say is that the book is not my type... btw thanks