
Review Detail of _LarryLover_ in Soulmates (Loki fanfic soulmate au)



PLEASE. I NEED TO READ THE REST. I know that this was probably written years ago, but its never too late!! I actually didn't check when it was written, but I haven't read and books on this platform that aren't at least 1 year old. I think your character design was really good. The personalities were really clear and the logic just made sense. The world background was really good too. I feel it might need a bit more description in the places where you're introducing new places, but other than that, it's really good! I did spot a few spelling and punctuation mistakes though. (Wow! I actually spelled punctuation right! lol) I really do want you to continue the story though!!! Great writing!

Soulmates (Loki fanfic soulmate au)






Omygosh. Imagine my surprise when I logged in on this account that I have forgotten for years only to find people who actually liked this fanfic I wrote when I was like 16? I don't know if I will be able to continue this, dear, but it certainly wouldn't hurt to try :)) I'm glad you enjoyed reading this <333