
Review Detail of Darkstel in Vector Control in MHA [COMPLETED]



First improvement, make the harem bigger. If your character will travel across the Multiverse there will be potentially many girls with whom it intersects. 3-5 girls is normal for one world.

Vector Control in MHA [COMPLETED]






Maybe. I really wanna focus on the romance and love on each relationship, so I dont think I'll have time to have an excessively big harem. Maybe make it up to 10? That number is really pushing it though...


For answer about the number, it's more about the number of world and the kind of world. If he go to 3-5 world like BNHA it would be ok to have a low number, but if you go to world like DxD or other in the same style it would really limiting yourself. It would also limit yourself if you plan to have him visit 20+ world. I have a question, can the MC refuse quest or is he obligated to accept all quest with the death penalty? I'm asking since it's the only reason why I didn't start reading since I hate slave system.

DJDAN:Maybe. I really wanna focus on the romance and love on each relationship, so I dont think I'll have time to have an excessively big harem. Maybe make it up to 10? That number is really pushing it though...

Dude, you're not the only one who hates systen like this. Initial reading about systems like this may be fun but after repeating it becomes annoying to read. If I could the choice of reincarnating with a slave system or not getting anything I would prefer the latter.

Ryofu:For answer about the number, it's more about the number of world and the kind of world. If he go to 3-5 world like BNHA it would be ok to have a low number, but if you go to world like DxD or other in the same style it would really limiting yourself. It would also limit yourself if you plan to have him visit 20+ world. I have a question, can the MC refuse quest or is he obligated to accept all quest with the death penalty? I'm asking since it's the only reason why I didn't start reading since I hate slave system.

What a stupid review, you think it improve's the quality of this ff, when there are more girl's in the harem? If anything, it lower's the quality.


Ehhhh, accelerator having a massive harem? That's VERY believable.


you're an idiot? the author indicated that it is SI.

3RR0R_404:Ehhhh, accelerator having a massive harem? That's VERY believable.

if the writer has a good talent, a large number of girls and the quality of relationships built is not a problem. However, if the writer does not have an ombition and he is at best average mediocrity like most writers who are loved by such a mentally retarded person like you, then you should not even write 3 girls. Plus, several worlds are declared. What do we see in them? "Epic" action movies written in text and to which an adequate person would prefer a TV action movie of the average rcki? No. First of all, interksnl will talk about the social and personal part.

Kokushibou:What a stupid review, you think it improve's the quality of this ff, when there are more girl's in the harem? If anything, it lower's the quality.

k ._.

Darkstel: you're an idiot? the author indicated that it is SI.

What point are you trying to make? That if you are good enough, you can make a big harem? And? Do you think this Author is good enough? Even then, it's better to make a small harem, rather then a big one. No matter how good the Author is, at some point the harem is too big. And it shouldn't be necessery to have a big harem to make a good story. It doesn't take any quality of this ff away, even if the harem is composed of "only" 3 girls. Your reply didn't change anything, i still think this is a stupid review. And it doesn't help that you insult like a immature child, you are definitely a horny teenager. Or a man-child.

Darkstel:if the writer has a good talent, a large number of girls and the quality of relationships built is not a problem. However, if the writer does not have an ombition and he is at best average mediocrity like most writers who are loved by such a mentally retarded person like you, then you should not even write 3 girls. Plus, several worlds are declared. What do we see in them? "Epic" action movies written in text and to which an adequate person would prefer a TV action movie of the average rcki? No. First of all, interksnl will talk about the social and personal part.

Says the person who first started the insults. Your opinion is your opinion. Considering how your ass is tearing up on my review, apparently he is not so stupid. Good luck mediocre reader ;-)

Kokushibou:What point are you trying to make? That if you are good enough, you can make a big harem? And? Do you think this Author is good enough? Even then, it's better to make a small harem, rather then a big one. No matter how good the Author is, at some point the harem is too big. And it shouldn't be necessery to have a big harem to make a good story. It doesn't take any quality of this ff away, even if the harem is composed of "only" 3 girls. Your reply didn't change anything, i still think this is a stupid review. And it doesn't help that you insult like a immature child, you are definitely a horny teenager. Or a man-child.

I didn't insult you, i insulted your review. I don't know what you tried to say with the rest, but it's nonsense anyway. No need to reply, you are a waste of time.

Darkstel:Says the person who first started the insults. Your opinion is your opinion. Considering how your ass is tearing up on my review, apparently he is not so stupid. Good luck mediocre reader ;-)

lol, while you keep answering me. What an idiot.)))

Kokushibou:I didn't insult you, i insulted your review. I don't know what you tried to say with the rest, but it's nonsense anyway. No need to reply, you are a waste of time.

Dude it doesn't matter, the bigger the harem, the lower the quality of relationships and character developments ... if you increase the number of women, of course they will occupy more screen time, or else they will not appear the same in cultivation novels. where the beauties of jade disappear for 500 chapters. In the end, the amount decreases the time that can be developed for each of the women, or else you will only have a 100% harem story. (Google translator)

Darkstel: lol, while you keep answering me. What an idiot.)))

And? How does that contradict what I said? No. Then why did you write it? If the author wants to write a short story, this is a completely different question and topic of discussion.

AlucardRP_16:Dude it doesn't matter, the bigger the harem, the lower the quality of relationships and character developments ... if you increase the number of women, of course they will occupy more screen time, or else they will not appear the same in cultivation novels. where the beauties of jade disappear for 500 chapters. In the end, the amount decreases the time that can be developed for each of the women, or else you will only have a 100% harem story. (Google translator)

I think maybe you didn't understand because I used the google translator ... what I mean is that it doesn't matter if the author is a good writer, if you increase the harem, the quality will decrease.

Darkstel:And? How does that contradict what I said? No. Then why did you write it? If the author wants to write a short story, this is a completely different question and topic of discussion.

Your opinion is biased. The amount of time will increase, but if the writer is talented the number of girls doesn't matter. There are several stories written with a lot of girls and they are perfect, if you have not met them it does not mean that others have not met them.

AlucardRP_16:I think maybe you didn't understand because I used the google translator ... what I mean is that it doesn't matter if the author is a good writer, if you increase the harem, the quality will decrease.

You forgot one detail, there is no way for him to develop women and keep them constantly appearing in the story ... this is impossible, you have a limited amount of time to write about each character (unless you write more than 3000 thousand chapters, and even then it won't work) if you increase the number of characters, you decrease the screen time of each one, this is something logical ... probably he would have to let each character appear every 20-30 chapters. (Google translator)

Darkstel:Your opinion is biased. The amount of time will increase, but if the writer is talented the number of girls doesn't matter. There are several stories written with a lot of girls and they are perfect, if you have not met them it does not mean that others have not met them.

It only has 3 results. 1) he adds more women and tries to develop each one of them, so because of the large number of characters the story becomes a slice of life. 2) he adds more women, but to develop each one and keep the story going, he ends up leaving them disappearing for dozens of chapters. 3) he does not add many women, so he will have time to develop each one individually, while keeping them in the plot in a present and constant way. (Forgive me if you're confused to understand, google translator)

Darkstel:Your opinion is biased. The amount of time will increase, but if the writer is talented the number of girls doesn't matter. There are several stories written with a lot of girls and they are perfect, if you have not met them it does not mean that others have not met them.

No writers who have spent many years working? Did the writer say he wanted to write a story quickly?

AlucardRP_16:It only has 3 results. 1) he adds more women and tries to develop each one of them, so because of the large number of characters the story becomes a slice of life. 2) he adds more women, but to develop each one and keep the story going, he ends up leaving them disappearing for dozens of chapters. 3) he does not add many women, so he will have time to develop each one individually, while keeping them in the plot in a present and constant way. (Forgive me if you're confused to understand, google translator)

And? If the writer has such ambitions, he can write it. This does not contradict what I have said and there are such writers. I don't understand why you're stuck with the fact that the refutation of the facts. If you don't have faith in this writer, that's your problem.

AlucardRP_16:You forgot one detail, there is no way for him to develop women and keep them constantly appearing in the story ... this is impossible, you have a limited amount of time to write about each character (unless you write more than 3000 thousand chapters, and even then it won't work) if you increase the number of characters, you decrease the screen time of each one, this is something logical ... probably he would have to let each character appear every 20-30 chapters. (Google translator)