
Review Detail of Rokuhine in World Of Heroes



Good pacing, amazing plot, and interesting characters. Honestly after reading that what else do you need to know? Get to reading this amazing novel already! . . . Still here?! Fine I'll go in-depth! This novel hits the ground running, but it fools you into thinking that it's protagonist Kurayama Ishigami is going to have your typical protagonist start up with the sweet addition of having his entire family to support him in his endeavor. That's until the story flips and you find yourself reading for a few chapters what can only be described as the antithesis of every superhero beginnings and more on the birth of a villain. However, the protagonist does find light and sees the worth of living, keeping himself somewhat in the straight and narrow path of good. I can only describe that as a testament to human goodwill, and that despite whatever trials a person faces in their life, no matter how much cruel or tainting, there's still something to give them hope to get back up and keep going. So if you want to be inspired or you need to read something that'll give you the strength to go through the day, check this novel out! You want more? FINE! I love how the author writes in their other characters, giving them fun and quirky personalities that make interactions GODDAMN hilarious at times. I personally love Hinotori as a character because of his gradual growth as a person.

World Of Heroes






so is the protag a hero? antihero or villain?


He fits more into the anti-hero category because he's the hero who has no heroic qualities to him. But he's on the soft-end of the anti-hero spectrum.

NordicDepression:so is the protag a hero? antihero or villain?