
Review Detail of LaKPride in Chaos Konoichi One Piece



Shameless Autor review, this is the story of Alice Kuraihasu searching through the world of One Piece to find the most beautiful, amazing, mysterious and unique places in existence. Please leave some comments, reviews and love here. Maybe we will find out her whole story together someday.

Chaos Konoichi One Piece






I am sorry for disappointing you but it's not. Otherwise, I would have tagged it as one.

Requiem_Soul:Is this yuri? I will consider reading it if it’s yuri.

Is this yuri? I will consider reading it if it’s yuri.


Nahh, it’s okay and good luck on your novel.

LaKPride:I am sorry for disappointing you but it's not. Otherwise, I would have tagged it as one.

..... a prologue would explain how the mc died reincarnated and the wishes and a glimpse of the lifE before the reincarnation. I dont care about yuri or not. After reading the first chapters i was left with a lot of questions so i was wondering if there is some form of prologue.


Her previous life is not very important for story because she only has her intelligence and characteristics left. She got powers and get knowledge from her wishes, in exchange for her memory. Only if she finished her adventure, she will get them back, but she doesn't know. It wouldn't be a adventure for her if she knew what is going to happen. What exactly her wishes were you have to guess and I going to tell you if your right or nearly there. If nobody gets it right then everyone has to wait until MC finished her journey to know her wishes and prelife.

holosagewolf32:..... a prologue would explain how the mc died reincarnated and the wishes and a glimpse of the lifE before the reincarnation. I dont care about yuri or not. After reading the first chapters i was left with a lot of questions so i was wondering if there is some form of prologue.

I want to read this becouse it might be good. But when i see a auther post from 11 months ago with only 3 chaps till now. i dont mine slow releases but this a hole diff thing. i prob forget what last chaps where when new one comes.


I deleted the old chapter and rewrote the chapter and now I slowly publish them again. So it is not that I just released 3 chapters in 11 months but 3 in 2 weeks. Now I want to release 1 every Tuesday and Friday.

demonz:I want to read this becouse it might be good. But when i see a auther post from 11 months ago with only 3 chaps till now. i dont mine slow releases but this a hole diff thing. i prob forget what last chaps where when new one comes.