
Review Detail of Nightamer in Samsara Online



Not gonna lie, the start was pretty rough to get through(the initial first 25 chapters or so) for various reasons like the ranking system (I am a person that is bothered even by small details like this, so this might not have been as bothersome for others), some grammatical errors as I usually read only top-quality novels and the MC's edginess. However as more chapters came out the grammar improved to the point there were only a few errors noticeable in a dozen chapters or so, I stopped being bothered by the ranking system, we got more of the character's background and the MC was not as edgy as before and he actually developed as a character and made believable mistakes and decisions. The only major thing I was bothered overall was how the MC was able to dodge magic spells at the speed of a bullet and the author gave the explanation that he analyzed it and dodged it since he had the skills in the real world too. There was someone who said that even if he is able to do that, his body in the VR world will not be able to keep up with him and the author replied that since it's VR things depend more on his brain's abilities or something like that. I completely disagree with that, because the stats in VR are supposed to limit his body's movement and his agility was his lowest stat (the stats of a player that just started the game). If he could move his body in whatever way he wanted, then what will be the meaning of stats? Now I will move on to the point I liked the most in the novel - the focus on the 'real' world. I think that the best decision that the author made in the entire novel is to focus on the 'real' world as much as he did on the VR world. The other VR novels I have read are always 95% ( in the very least) VR and 5% (an exaggeration) real world. I commend the author for that. Overall the novel is worth it if you can endure the first 25 chapters or so.

Samsara Online






IDK, man... Suicide can be only a choice if you, for example, terminally ill and suffer every day because of extreme pain. Mental suffering can always be overcome, just because your gf died doesn't mean that you can't move on and continue with your life. In many stories, it even serves as a starting point for the MC to start his journey.

Nightamer:I see, thanks for clarifying. (SPOILER IN NEXT LINE) By the way, I also want to say my favorite moment in the whole novel was when he let the man, whose girlfriend committed suicide, die because he realized that he didn't have the right to stop him. I really liked how you didn't make the man move on just because the MC said something to comfort him and his pain didn't exist, like many novels did just because he was a side character..

Oh I want to add that I really like that one of the "young masters" that the protagonist had a conflict with is not your typical young master. He loves his little sister as a family and that really struck me as something I have not seen before and I commend the author for that as well.


Thanks for the constructive review, I really appreciate it because I still have a lot of room for improvement! Just to clarify one thing: Xie Feng is not moving faster than a bullet, he observes small movements and from those movements he judges the opponent's attacks. For example: to dodge the magic spell, he would move before the magic spell was fully charged which allowed him to avoid it by a hair's breadth. A reader was quite clever and pointed it out for me in a paragraph comment, maybe you didn't see it.


I see, thanks for clarifying. (SPOILER IN NEXT LINE) By the way, I also want to say my favorite moment in the whole novel was when he let the man, whose girlfriend committed suicide, die because he realized that he didn't have the right to stop him. I really liked how you didn't make the man move on just because the MC said something to comfort him and his pain didn't exist, like many novels did just because he was a side character..

XIETIAN:Thanks for the constructive review, I really appreciate it because I still have a lot of room for improvement! Just to clarify one thing: Xie Feng is not moving faster than a bullet, he observes small movements and from those movements he judges the opponent's attacks. For example: to dodge the magic spell, he would move before the magic spell was fully charged which allowed him to avoid it by a hair's breadth. A reader was quite clever and pointed it out for me in a paragraph comment, maybe you didn't see it.

thanks for the information, time to use earth class speed reading technique. So i to skip 25 ish chapter with speed scroll.


thank you for your review, I also dropped this novel when I got to the bullet dodging section. I'll be sure to give it another try


?? Almost every original vr novel is like 40% real life. I’m not even sure I’ve seen a single one that is below 5% like most CN vr novels. It’s so sad going into the video games genre and pretty much never see a 95%+ vr novel😭