
Review Detail of Taramac in Diary of a Teenage Alpha



I'm going ahead and writing another review as I'm caught up on this novel and have so many things to say about it! It's crazy to me that this wonderful novel is not getting the attention it deserves. Please give this novel a chance because it is truly unique! The genre is kind of a hybrid coming-of-age, youth romance, werewolf, slice-of-life? It's hard to describe, but it's so refreshingly different. The writing and world building are incredible. I don't know how the author has done it, but they have managed to create a modern, supernatural world that feels real and lived-in by it's complex, amazing characters. [Side note: Thank you author for giving so much detail on how wolf packs would realistically function in society. Most authors don't address that stuff at all.] Speaking of characters, I love almost all of them! The main character, Sam, is an amazing narrator, but all of her friends and family feel real and fleshed out too! NO ONE is written as a lame stereotype that only exists for the main character's plotline. Anyways, it's great and by far my favorite discovery on webnovel! You should try it!

Diary of a Teenage Alpha






Omo. Taramac!!! Thank you for your review. I was surprised and completely floored. hahaha. You totally get it, and I'm so happy you are enjoying it. Thanks for describing the genre so well too. I actually had no idea where to park this story. (I just write what I like to read.) :) Wow, u totally made my day. haha.


It's seriously my favorite thing on webnovel, and has provided so much enjoyment/distraction in the stressful year of COVID. Thanks for writing!!

katisnow:Omo. Taramac!!! Thank you for your review. I was surprised and completely floored. hahaha. You totally get it, and I'm so happy you are enjoying it. Thanks for describing the genre so well too. I actually had no idea where to park this story. (I just write what I like to read.) :) Wow, u totally made my day. haha.