
Review Detail of TheFlagGuy in The Devil of One Piece



Writing Quality 3 - I have seen a lot worse and it is better than MTL. Sentences are way to long and some things don't even make sense. Stability of Updates 5 - Looks like you update every day. Good Job! Story Development 4 - Only read until chapter 4 so far so I will give you assume you do a decent job but don't really care to much about it so far. Character Design 1 - At chapter 4 the only thing I know for sure about anyone is that MC has red eyes. Idk what Stella looks like, idk what color hair MC has. Is the 20ft tall or 3ft tall? Who knows? Don't even know how old he is lol. Only reason i know what his adopted parents look like is because this is a FF. World Background 1 - 0 description of the surroundings and the only reason im not confused is that i have read OP. You cant assume that everyone has read OP (though i think everyone has) or any novel you write a FF about. Long story short, make your sentences so that they don't take up a whole paragraph. Add descriptions for characters and the environment.

The Devil of One Piece






Thank you for the review. I would like to complain about some of your points but to be fair they're actually valid ones. For his looks I did correct that but it was in a later chapter. In regards to the sentences I know they're long it's just I tend to overwrite about certain things. I am trying to cut down on the lengths. For descriptions you are correct that's why later in the story I try to describe the characters more. You are still right about the environment though I need to describe it more. Thank you for the review it's very helpful for me as it's my first time writing👌👍😀 If you got any further suggestion don't be afraid to say.


lol i thought for sure you were going to delete me review. Quite a few authors on this site are toxic im a glad you arent one of them. I wrote a review on "Surgeon in My Hero Academia" by Antlike. He deleted my review for not reading 15 chapters like he said to do even though half of his reviews are before 15 chapters. Called me stupid and irrelevant, then said that I was jealous of him and had something against him because i left a bad review.

Draeko:Thank you for the review. I would like to complain about some of your points but to be fair they're actually valid ones. For his looks I did correct that but it was in a later chapter. In regards to the sentences I know they're long it's just I tend to overwrite about certain things. I am trying to cut down on the lengths. For descriptions you are correct that's why later in the story I try to describe the characters more. You are still right about the environment though I need to describe it more. Thank you for the review it's very helpful for me as it's my first time writing👌👍😀 If you got any further suggestion don't be afraid to say.

To be honest I was a little pissed about your review at first it after reading it you did bring up some fair points and some of it has actually helped me. So thanks for your support👍

TheFlagGuy:lol i thought for sure you were going to delete me review. Quite a few authors on this site are toxic im a glad you arent one of them. I wrote a review on "Surgeon in My Hero Academia" by Antlike. He deleted my review for not reading 15 chapters like he said to do even though half of his reviews are before 15 chapters. Called me stupid and irrelevant, then said that I was jealous of him and had something against him because i left a bad review.

I made a review for his ****ty fic too and it also got deleted lol

TheFlagGuy:lol i thought for sure you were going to delete me review. Quite a few authors on this site are toxic im a glad you arent one of them. I wrote a review on "Surgeon in My Hero Academia" by Antlike. He deleted my review for not reading 15 chapters like he said to do even though half of his reviews are before 15 chapters. Called me stupid and irrelevant, then said that I was jealous of him and had something against him because i left a bad review.