
Review Detail of GloveWithHoles in Paragon of Sin



The novel started off very well in my opinion (refer to my earlier review of this novel) but it has sadly fallen off a huge cliff after the hiatus Kevin took, granted I haven't read the latest 130 chapters though. The newer chapters are honestly unbearable to read and FULL of filler. The more recent characters are one dimensional from what I remember and have no depth whatsoever. Kevin constantly repeats known information and when mentioning an individual, he goes the extra mile to throw in extra words. If you're reading this Kevin; I understand that this is a novel that appeals to the brainlets that are on this app but please start another novel with more creativity. The moment the Soldier of War arc was over, I could tell you were already burnt out and afraid of the backlash of another hiatus.I know you do this stuff for money, especially when you increased the cost of privilage last time I remember. I honestly understand if you are desperate for money but man... It really is unbearable how the novel had so much promise. Even though the idea was fairly generic, the execution used to be so great but now that is butchered. Kevin, I really hope you create a novel in which you enjoy writing instead what this novel has become.

Paragon of Sin



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