
Review Detail of Sushant_Linjara_3735 in Paragon of Sin



I just love the story and also wish to see it to the end but with the amount of useless info Dump and disgusting filler in every chapter it seems I'll die before even WW wakes up in the morning. I keep coming back for the story and a sliver of hope for less filler but i go back disappointed everytime. It's my heartfelt request to the author, Please save this novel and think about us readers who adore and love this novel like their own. Nonetheless I'll keep coming back to this novel like an idiot well knowing what I'm going to get.

Paragon of Sin






I cant agree more about there beeing lots of fillers and info dumps that take up word count, but personaly im in love with to this world author made, so im interested in all the lore and trivialitys it has to offer - so im not feeling as strongly about it as you do, hope u dont drop this novel i think its really really good.


Same bro. I've come to perceive the disregard the author has for the readers for a while now. Now that he has guaranteed(for how long) a strong reader base with the excellent first few volumes he delivered, the only thing he cares about now is profit. He wants to write as much as possible without advancing the story. One has to be blind to not see that. I'm more frustrated with myself for not dropping it. I might just do that next time the updates slow down or he goes into another hiatus. My patience is running very low.