
Review Detail of hitfolks3 in My Vampire System



JKS, where are you buying the bots and the fake emails from? Maybe smaller authors can use your trick to get big and perhaps have their novels be at #1 as well. Don't bother trying to convince me that you aren't botting. Instead, why don't you try and convince yourself how pathetic what you're doing is and that how deluded you have to be to try and convince others that you are legit. Delete this review like it'll do anything. I've made my point, cracked your fragile ego and now you feel like crap for the remainder of your shallow day. Enjoy your sad life. Oh and MVS is no longer the "most sold" anyways as clearly shown when you were completely left in the wind by two other novels in privilege readers; Supreme Magus and Cultivation Online. I'm just kidding. Great novel. Keep up the good work :) How could an author as great as you bot their own novel and lie about it for months?[img=update]

My Vampire System






this man just here to ruin peoples day


it is the most sold still? the trending rank is how many coins have been used on each novel feel free to check it


and I still have more privileges then them, I dropped out of the privlidge contest for not updating. as you have to update everyday


also just to let you know, the authors all know how much we roughly make and MVs makes double, and triple Supreme Magus, so it's not even outsold by a little bit. there is one female novel that sells more then me and anyone on the site which is jasmine Josef. also Super gene sells more but a little bit than mine as well. but you should join the writing community, I don't know why readers are very toxic when us contracted authors talk to each other and give advice all the time. cheer up my friend 🤗


Perhaps you weren’t purposely botting and it was Webnovel doing it for you without your permission/awareness. You should check how much powerstones you increased roughly 12-14 hours ago, BEFORE the daily stones reset, jumping from 5th overall (3rd Male Lead) to 1st in a span of an hour. Maybe it would have made more sense for it to be used AFTER the reset, yes? If this botting was done without your permission then I take back what I said and am very, very sorry. It was me foolishly assuming and you should definitely do something about it. However, if the vote bots are something you are aware of and most likely approve, then sincerely, reflect at how sad and selfish you must be to cheat whilst the other contracted authors toil in legitimacy as you consistently lie to them about your success. Have a nice day and I hope you find real happiness in what you're doing.

JKSManga:also just to let you know, the authors all know how much we roughly make and MVs makes double, and triple Supreme Magus, so it's not even outsold by a little bit. there is one female novel that sells more then me and anyone on the site which is jasmine Josef. also Super gene sells more but a little bit than mine as well. but you should join the writing community, I don't know why readers are very toxic when us contracted authors talk to each other and give advice all the time. cheer up my friend 🤗

hi of course I do, I honestly thought that what ahppend was I haven't been sticking to my promised amount of chapters I tell my readers for reaching rank 1 I will update 3 per day, but recently I haven't been doing even not uploading on some days I told my readers yesterday when ntocing I reached rank 5, if we get to rank one I will do a mass release at the end of the month. you should also look at the other stats, my story is also most commented on and has most paid chapter 24k sold per day. we get a lot of internal stats as authors so we actilley can tell which stories have better or not, which is why I don't get hate from other authors. if there is anything you want to ask feel free ☺

hitfolks3:Perhaps you weren’t purposely botting and it was Webnovel doing it for you without your permission/awareness. You should check how much powerstones you increased roughly 12-14 hours ago, BEFORE the daily stones reset, jumping from 5th overall (3rd Male Lead) to 1st in a span of an hour. Maybe it would have made more sense for it to be used AFTER the reset, yes? If this botting was done without your permission then I take back what I said and am very, very sorry. It was me foolishly assuming and you should definitely do something about it. However, if the vote bots are something you are aware of and most likely approve, then sincerely, reflect at how sad and selfish you must be to cheat whilst the other contracted authors toil in legitimacy as you consistently lie to them about your success. Have a nice day and I hope you find real happiness in what you're doing.

Wont lie I dont give two fucks whether this is botted or not but just reading this thread is hella interesting. cool that authors talk to each other although that makes perfect sense my monk brain just never put two together. Also strange stats might be from dickheads like me because I save up chapters and read em in bunchs. Could **** up the stats but idk.

JKSManga:hi of course I do, I honestly thought that what ahppend was I haven't been sticking to my promised amount of chapters I tell my readers for reaching rank 1 I will update 3 per day, but recently I haven't been doing even not uploading on some days I told my readers yesterday when ntocing I reached rank 5, if we get to rank one I will do a mass release at the end of the month. you should also look at the other stats, my story is also most commented on and has most paid chapter 24k sold per day. we get a lot of internal stats as authors so we actilley can tell which stories have better or not, which is why I don't get hate from other authors. if there is anything you want to ask feel free ☺