
Review Detail of a_regular_student in Subordination system



I'm about to do what's called a pro gamer move *laughs evilly* Okay but seriously, this is my first novel and I'm still inexperienced if you have any advice or critics(good or bad) feel free to tell. Thanks in advance

Subordination system






Overgeared is one of my favorite books so there is definitely inspiration from it. So to answer your question, yes, it will be somewhat similar to overgeared. Also, sorry for the late response.

Slime_King:Is this similar to overgeared?

Hmm let's see, idk about harem, if I do try it, ill need to research it to make it as best as I can, but currently, I'm still laying out the story so I'm not too sure. For the beta mc, I don't want him to be a pussy, but at the same time, I don't want him to be a trigger, happy killer. So I'm trying to find a good balance for that :) Thanks for your questions they were great!


Huh, i haven’t really thought about that lol i guess it would depend on the circumstances, but yeah it would be an act of self defence so he would be willing to kill in that aspect


Is this similar to overgeared?


wow this is your first novel it is amazing don't let the hater's get to you it's there fault for not reading past the early chapters this is a gem and deserves full 5 stars also thank you so much for making this gem free it alowes other people to join in anytime and not be blocked from getting far in the story by unlocking I also think it is perfect for a slow pacing novel as it is other wise it would feel like it was impossible to get far with this novel for how slow it is but although it is slow the amount of world building and character building is amazing great job again author do whatever is good with you take breaks when need but please what ever you do don't drop the novel

a_regular_student:Huh, i haven’t really thought about that lol i guess it would depend on the circumstances, but yeah it would be an act of self defence so he would be willing to kill in that aspect

you do read slow pace novel that's why you are saying it ... I don't know why you people like a stupid MC ..🤔 I think majority will not like a 150 chapter long slow introduction of 10 day and top of that MC don't change much remaining stupid naive and the MC style doesn't match with the world background ... seriously MC is gone through a world travel class with a mentor she should have teach him to be cautious type to be a world traveler😑 but what did I see not like that it like a stupid MC Didn't learn a things 🤣 that's way my friend your explanation makes me laugh a lot 🤣🤣

Katherine_Emmett:wow this is your first novel it is amazing don't let the hater's get to you it's there fault for not reading past the early chapters this is a gem and deserves full 5 stars also thank you so much for making this gem free it alowes other people to join in anytime and not be blocked from getting far in the story by unlocking I also think it is perfect for a slow pacing novel as it is other wise it would feel like it was impossible to get far with this novel for how slow it is but although it is slow the amount of world building and character building is amazing great job again author do whatever is good with you take breaks when need but please what ever you do don't drop the novel

.... yet some how this stupid mc has the most human reactions then any of my fast paced novels that I read the do have high ratings also it is the authors first novel and they are doing so well there reasonable growth its easy to follow and interesting battles I think you have not fully read this to see reference also for a leader being cautious is not a amazing trait in this world instead the mc would have fallen behind so the mc is not stupid I do not read slow novels normally and you are just a rude person.

Blue_Bird_0758:you do read slow pace novel that's why you are saying it ... I don't know why you people like a stupid MC ..🤔 I think majority will not like a 150 chapter long slow introduction of 10 day and top of that MC don't change much remaining stupid naive and the MC style doesn't match with the world background ... seriously MC is gone through a world travel class with a mentor she should have teach him to be cautious type to be a world traveler😑 but what did I see not like that it like a stupid MC Didn't learn a things 🤣 that's way my friend your explanation makes me laugh a lot 🤣🤣

also I fully say that the start was bad at first but the author really improved as you go further all you have said in the reply is that you are only on the early chapters the whole thing is free watch as a naive young mc become a confident strong leader

Blue_Bird_0758:you do read slow pace novel that's why you are saying it ... I don't know why you people like a stupid MC ..🤔 I think majority will not like a 150 chapter long slow introduction of 10 day and top of that MC don't change much remaining stupid naive and the MC style doesn't match with the world background ... seriously MC is gone through a world travel class with a mentor she should have teach him to be cautious type to be a world traveler😑 but what did I see not like that it like a stupid MC Didn't learn a things 🤣 that's way my friend your explanation makes me laugh a lot 🤣🤣

not a rude person mite I am a person I say like a person because in society those who know your ture thought are dangerous they can make things for there own benefit like that Mr lady rose is using the MC when she show MC was great legendary will be some day.... and by sayed that she want him under her wing and mite do you know what that mean then MC is going to influence the world in some way and .... most of all your are forgetting some thing that is it said that failing the mission will let you stay in that world for ever means if he die there then he is dead for sure ... now my friend tell me when a influence one find about your place and thing you are treat in the real world where MC is playing the game then what will happen to him of course dead Mr dead man.... and that what makes the novel broken ... you see author is here forgetting those thing that he wrote by himself.... see for your self man what I say is true I am commenting good thing not a bad thing ..... other the old reader like us will never give a comment if they don't like it .... if you writing a novel you should follow logic in every sentence of your novel ... because every thing is connected in the novel ... by making a sentence and a another different type sentence is gona make the novel way to broken.... that why this novel is not having many fans 🤣.... if the author could do does thing rightly then his novel gona go sky-high ... because for the example Machine Legend novel that novel every sentence has connected to later chapter sentence.... also us old readers read a alot of books and that why we hate a mistake .... also majority those read novel is also does who read a 50 book of different type of novel ... but us the old read we readed many books of different type like 500 maybe 🤔 that why old readers don't support the new author because they don't get what they want in it .... this novel is perfect for noob reader's man ....

Katherine_Emmett:.... yet some how this stupid mc has the most human reactions then any of my fast paced novels that I read the do have high ratings also it is the authors first novel and they are doing so well there reasonable growth its easy to follow and interesting battles I think you have not fully read this to see reference also for a leader being cautious is not a amazing trait in this world instead the mc would have fallen behind so the mc is not stupid I do not read slow novels normally and you are just a rude person.

... really this is his first novel all you have to do is stay quiet and let the new author have support and not laugh at the people that acual enjoy and on this sight there are a lot more trash novels where a few mistakes here and there it still make it a lot better then some of the novels I read I understand if you don't like it but still you are trashing on the author first few chapter ever wrote you are not giving the author time to learn how to fix them and all you are doing is trashing on this new author for trying there best without reading all of it you don't have a right to judges the people who have and believe in the author to improve the whole story including the start my whole problem is not that you don't like the novel many people don't like some novels I an having trouble that you were laughing every thing you said was about the early chapters so could you please stop commenting about what you do not fully know about that is all I ask also I am not a new reader I have been reading both online and paper books for 10 years now.

Blue_Bird_0758:not a rude person mite I am a person I say like a person because in society those who know your ture thought are dangerous they can make things for there own benefit like that Mr lady rose is using the MC when she show MC was great legendary will be some day.... and by sayed that she want him under her wing and mite do you know what that mean then MC is going to influence the world in some way and .... most of all your are forgetting some thing that is it said that failing the mission will let you stay in that world for ever means if he die there then he is dead for sure ... now my friend tell me when a influence one find about your place and thing you are treat in the real world where MC is playing the game then what will happen to him of course dead Mr dead man.... and that what makes the novel broken ... you see author is here forgetting those thing that he wrote by himself.... see for your self man what I say is true I am commenting good thing not a bad thing ..... other the old reader like us will never give a comment if they don't like it .... if you writing a novel you should follow logic in every sentence of your novel ... because every thing is connected in the novel ... by making a sentence and a another different type sentence is gona make the novel way to broken.... that why this novel is not having many fans 🤣.... if the author could do does thing rightly then his novel gona go sky-high ... because for the example Machine Legend novel that novel every sentence has connected to later chapter sentence.... also us old readers read a alot of books and that why we hate a mistake .... also majority those read novel is also does who read a 50 book of different type of novel ... but us the old read we readed many books of different type like 500 maybe 🤔 that why old readers don't support the new author because they don't get what they want in it .... this novel is perfect for noob reader's man ....

my friend laugh is the foundation of our life even if you say bad word or good word laughing can get you have a good life why bother to be serious in life this seriousness is way no go in everypart of life ... laughing is the best weapon when ever you are it's a mark of a good thing ... laugh because God has given right to do so 😂.... laugh is good for everything except for teaching 😂

Katherine_Emmett:... really this is his first novel all you have to do is stay quiet and let the new author have support and not laugh at the people that acual enjoy and on this sight there are a lot more trash novels where a few mistakes here and there it still make it a lot better then some of the novels I read I understand if you don't like it but still you are trashing on the author first few chapter ever wrote you are not giving the author time to learn how to fix them and all you are doing is trashing on this new author for trying there best without reading all of it you don't have a right to judges the people who have and believe in the author to improve the whole story including the start my whole problem is not that you don't like the novel many people don't like some novels I an having trouble that you were laughing every thing you said was about the early chapters so could you please stop commenting about what you do not fully know about that is all I ask also I am not a new reader I have been reading both online and paper books for 10 years now.

so laugh when a person dies laugh when a dog or cat die laugh when you die laugh when a person jumps of a building... my point is there is a time and place to laugh and laugh at a person giving support/at the author is just plain rude.

Blue_Bird_0758:my friend laugh is the foundation of our life even if you say bad word or good word laughing can get you have a good life why bother to be serious in life this seriousness is way no go in everypart of life ... laughing is the best weapon when ever you are it's a mark of a good thing ... laugh because God has given right to do so 😂.... laugh is good for everything except for teaching 😂

Is this still going


are you coming back i really enjoy this