
Review Detail of LeinadDan in The Surgeon's Studio



Premise is nice. Quite similar to Great Doctor Ling Ran but the MC has been a doctor for 10 years, iirc, at this point. The fact that he has been a doctor for so long has basically no effect on the whole story, other than times where he quotes his "immense medical experience" when he needs to think of an excuse when using the system. Speaking of the system, it basically fades out into the background and becomes a glorified scanner and surgery streaming machine later into story. Even the streaming plot point is mostly to show the readers that the MC is, indeed, a master surgeon by making the stream viewers stare and awe at the MC's supreme godly skill. Plot progression is basically non-existent. 500 chapters in and only now is the MC starting to move up into a bigger stage. There is too much filler chapters that has mostly no impact on the overall story. The translation quality takes a dive around 300 chapters in. It starts to feel like its MTL as the pretty boy side character starts being referred to as a "she" and mob characters' titles start changing around all the time, becoming Director, CEO, President, Doctor, Teacher and such. At around page 500 it becomes basically unreadable.

The Surgeon's Studio

Black Ursa Prime





lol, this may chock you but i wouldn't be surprised at all with how they teach medical knowledge there in the chinese repablic you see medical students there dont learn how to be doctors, they learn hoe to follow the protocols provided by the government word by word like literally if you been in a class there the teacher will literally come in, open a power point and just read it, and you are expected to sit and say nothing, not even one question can be asked by you, if you did i guarantee you that the backlash you will experience will be nothing worse then a 3rd wave feminist raging on a man opening the door for her. Now with all this being said, with people basically arent doctors at all, working as ones, what do you expect?


You are right, the quality got worse on chapter 300. It 100 percent felt like a mtl. Actually novel alway get worse as the quality somehow decrease due to the author rushing their story or the translation quality dropping hard.


agreed, even doctor names are duplicated? i dont know ifthe author was lazy or the tlers fault, but later on theres 2 yang lei, one from sea city the other a proffess9t or chief or ceo from capital. zhao yunlong also has 2, both in same hospital. doctor titles get interchanged alot, from ceo to director to chief, heh a doctor with the ceo title heh he he. another which might be the author fault would be the skill levels, quite a few times its inconsistent, master level can be considered higher than grandmaster. keeps sying master then legend so very incosistent. basically after chapter 300, tl quality drops to be slightly above mtl. i went to qidian to read this using google translate, in some instances mtl was better.


Thanks for the review! I was planning to give it a try but changed my mind!